Express Your Interest in Joining our Faculty

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the Regenesis Institute faculty. Your submission of this form will enable us to formally log your expression of interest. A member of our core faculty team will reply directly to your form submission.

Our faculty development program is currently undergoing an evolution in response to an increase in interest from members of our practitioner community, as well as the emergence of new TRP cohorts around the world. At this time, however, opportunities to join our faculty are highly limited. We appreciate and fully understand the desire to step into a faculty role, but becoming a formal member of the Regenesis faculty team is but one of a variety developmental education roles in which members of our community can engage. We encourage you to consider what opportunities already may exist within your practice for you to continue to grow your capabilities.  Other roles include acting as resources, as practitioners embedded in local projects, and as educators of this methodology who are developing their own unique product offerings in this approach. Another role is becoming an educator in this work through developing unique product offerings that serve your own audience, and/or taking on a role in growing a second-line community in your place and/or field of practice. We also strongly encourage practitioners to participate in our advanced programming through the Regenesis School as well.

If you are strongly drawn to joining the faculty, you should be aware that we view ourselves as educators, not teachers, which means we place a high value on more than just content; we express a particular pedagogical approach and expect those interested in joining the faculty development path to be prepared to delve into this dimension of our practice. 

If you are accepted, you should plan to spend at least a year in our faculty development program before receiving teaching assignments, which includes shadowing a full TRP cohort (all 10 TRP sessions plus the Intensive). This is a pre-requisite to co-teaching any TRP sessions alongside other faculty.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of the prerequisite work that we view as important for someone preparing to step into a faculty development process:

  • Having substantial experience bringing regenerative development frameworks and technology into your practice
  • Participation in Regenesis School programming (including both workshops and mastery courses)
  • Participating in an ongoing educational path/community beyond The Regenerative Practitioner Series, including but not limited to:
    • CAD or TRBDC through the Carol Sanford Institute
    • RDMX
    • the Northwestern Europe reiki developmental community


Express Your Interest in Joining our Faculty Development Program

Please see the above for further details. If so, please describe which programs/courses/communities you consider a part of this, including dates and durations of involvement. For Regenesis School programs, please include specific workshop and/or mastery course names as well as dates of participation.
I recognize that space to join the faculty development program is highly limited, and I may not be accepted at this time due to limitations on capacity and/or alignment with our discretionary criteria for participation.(Required)