Three Core Regenerative Capacities 2022

Engaging Self and Others in the Development of Internal Locus of Control, External Considering, and Personal Agency.



Engaging Self and Others in the Development of Internal Locus of Control, External Considering, and Personal Agency.

As noted in TRP, Regenerative Development is a school of will that requires much more of its practitioners than a well-developed skill set and a high level of integrity. Essential to fully realizing and contributing one’s potential is the inner development that occurs as we do our work in the world.

This course invites practitioners to take a deep dive into exploring three interconnected human capacities that are foundational to regenerative work. Two of the capacities were introduced in TRP —Internal Locus of Control and External Considering. The third — Personal Agency, will be added to complete the Function-Being-Will triad.

These concepts will be first brought alive in practitioners’ own life and then applied to the design of an engagement that supports the development of these capacities in others. This will serve as the basis for a reflection on how these concepts work in practice and how they relate to other core regenerative ideas (such as for instance, nested systems and potential) so as to create a whole picture of the relationship of regenerative inner and outer development.

This workshop consists of three two-hour Zoom sessions held every week.

Session dates for Winter Semester:

  • US Mondays: October 31, November 7, November 14.
  • (Which are Deep Pacific Tuesdays: November 1, November 8, November 15.)

Session time options:

  • Morning session (Europe-friendly): 9 am – 11 am US Mountain Time
  • Afternoon session (Deep Pacific-friendly) – 3 pm – 5 pm US Mountain Time

Registration Information
Registration for this workshop is $250. Three-month payment plans are available for $89 per month (including administrative fees). Subscribers to The Regenesis School receive a $50 discount. Scholarships are available for practitioners who would be unable to participate without financial support.