Below you’ll find copies of all participant submissions. Click on the participant’s name to view their full submission.

Registration Forms

Participant registration forms are stored here in Dropbox.


Participant Questionnaires


Project Information Forms

Your NameArlene Salomon
TRP Cohort AssignmentSpring 2023 Cohort B: Americas with Online Intensive
Study Cohort Members

Annalisa Bellis
Arlene Salomon
Jeremy Madsen
Lea Elliott
Megan McCann

Working Title of The Project (which we will use to refer to it throughout the series)

Annacis Research Centre

Project Location

Delta, British Columbia

Nature of The Project (e.g. building, new community, economic development, etc.)

Water resource recovery, research facility and event venue.
Construction of the centre was a joint effort by Metro Vancouver and governments of Canada and British Columbia. The building showcases ways of reusing wastewater resources and provide academic researchers, private businesses, and utilities with the space and resources to conduct trials in a controlled environment. Some of their projects include; water reclamation trials, enhanced oxidation process sludge destruction pilot, microplastics, and industrial wastewater treatment.

Why do you think this project is appropriate for the course assignment?

The Centre is committed to sustainability and their goals are seemingly project-centric, with room to play with regenerative thinking, discover place-sourced potential as well as a culture of stewardship within the community.

Additional Useful Information

Annacis Research Centre is certified LEED platinum with many green building design features.

Supported in part by Metro Vancouver, a federation of 21 municipalities, one electoral area, and one treaty First Nation that collaboratively plans for and delivers regional-scale services- , some services include environmental regulation & enforcement, financial services, housing, indigenous relations, and regional parks.

Date CreatedFebruary 27, 2023


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