TRP Summer-Fall 2022 Cohort B Form Submissions

Below you’ll find copies of all participant submissions. Click on the participant’s name to view their full submission.

Registration Forms

Participant registration forms are stored here in Dropbox.

Participant Questionnaires

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Project Information Forms

Your NameAndrea Sivak
TRP Cohort AssignmentCohort B (Americas)
Study Cohort Members

Andrea Sivak
Mira Rubin
Ryan Francis
Gabriela Molina
Carlos Miguel Enriquez

Working Title of The Project (which we will use to refer to it throughout the series)

Stonehenge Gardens

Project Location

Tamaqua, PA

Nature of The Project (e.g. building, new community, economic development, etc.)

A holistic healing and learning center located on a 21.5-acre farm in Tamaqua, PA.

Why do you think this project is appropriate for the course assignment?

Located in Tamaqua which Mira is familiar with. Has completed initial stages of development. Designed with greenness and sustainability aspirations. Looking to develop a holistic community. Mira knows Tom Moroz (Co-Director) and he is enthusiastic and eager for our insights.

Additional Useful Information

Stonehedge has just launched a crowd-funding campaign.

Date CreatedJuly 7, 2022


Use of Materials Agreements

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