Your Name | Liz Dare |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Australia Online, Winter-Spring 2024 |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | To support people to connect to self, others, nature and place in a way that allows them to discover what moves them to take action toward creating a more regenerative future. |
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | I feel like I get confused about this. My gift is seeing the essence of people and place, and possibilities and potential however how to make the most of this is something I have been immobilised by in the past few years. I have been involved in an initiaitve led by a Wamatjarri Goonwandi Elder that she named "Ears of the Heart', and in this context, my role feels like it is to hold space for deeper listening so we can "hear with our hearts from here" (hand on belly). holding spaces for sense making and co-learning through coaching circles is where my energy lies in this context, however knowing the best way to take action in this space has been challenging, so I have brought my energy closer to home and would like to bring elements of Ears of the Heart into a project the I feel the land has been inviting me to step into. I feels like I have been in "waiting time" for the first step to reveal itself. |
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | To consider how Ears of the Heart could be practised in co-designed community forestry model. This is one of my motivations for doing this program... to answer the question: How do I open the way for a vitalising place based community forestry stewardship model? This is in response to emerging issues around the use of the forest that surrounds our small community of small and medium sized land holdings (eg shooting, cutting timber from the forest, multiple recreational uses that can conflict eg, motor bikes, horses, mountain bike cyclists and walkers). |
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | Action confidence.Trusting my sense of right time and not doubting the emergent process.feeling confident that the first step will reveal itself. |
5. And for professional growth? | To trust the learning process, role model imperfection and giving things a go so I can feel confident in my capacity for trusting the right people will be drawn to the project at the right time as will the resources to make it happen. To learn frameworks that help bring coherence when there are differences between people. |
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | my time energy and all available funds for learning and practice. It feels like it’s been my lifelong practice of holistic design that’s opened my attention to learn and practice many interesting frameworks and models as each new experience reveals new questions and aspirations. |
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | Permaculture Design, Steiner (Education), Sociocracy (Tena Meadows O'Rear), Ontological Coaching (Newfield/Coach School), The Blueprint of We by Centre for Collaborative Awareness, Theory U, Certificate IV Celebrancy (registered marriage celebrant), Certificate of Wellbeing (Michelle McQuaid), Map of Meaningful Work , Systems View of Life (Capra). I am not expert in any of these models however they all inform my learning journey and practice.I have also enjoyed learning thorugh |
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | My preferred way of seeing humans is based on Uncle Noel Nannup's story where he refers to us (humans) as being 'The Carers of Everything". My friend Kankawa Nagarra shares a cultural warning story about how we are being "lulled to sleep" which I interpret as the challenges we are facing systemically by power structures (dominant western thinking, media, financial and legal structures etc etc). I believe as we undo these structural patterns we need to find ways of being and doing that are vitalising and regenerative (but the transition for me has especially over the past 12 months been challenging and I’m hoping this course will help shift some stuckness that I’ve experienced). |
Date Created | July 23, 2024 |