Your NameHelen Lawson Williams
Cohort AssignmentAustralia 2023
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

I see co-creation as the primary work that's required of me right now: working with others to crystallise and create the systems shifts we need, and to welcome more and more people into the joyful hard work of rediscovering for ourselves what it means to flourish.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I see my role as reframing, bridging, integrating, and creating. My strengths are in seeing patterns, generating options, patient listening and sometimes playing the trickster role to prompt new perspectives. I find flow in collaborative problem-solving, and in creating.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

My current focus is at the individual and close community levels of flourishing: my goal is to equip people with the mindset, skills and social supports to create their own personal systems for flourishing, in part by counteracting external systems that produce population-wide mental health issues like burnout.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

I am working on building the courage to be seen. At one level, I am 100% confident that this work is the work I should be doing. On a more instinctive level, confronting systems that are so entrenched most people aren't even aware they're there, as well as the stigma mental health still carries, feels very exposed.

5. And for professional growth?

In launching a business I have stepped out of a very secure flow of work and income, into a world where I will only get paid based on the value I create for customers, and my ability to convert that value fairly into income. My immediate professional growth is therefore focused on doing the parts of this that only I can do, and finding the right people to work with on the rest.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I've invested a lot of time: reading and listening to understand human health and wellbeing; observing the systems that interact to undermine it at a population-wide level; writing to clarify my thinking; learning about product design; developing and experimenting with my own practices based on what I'm learning.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

In roughly chronological order:
- creative writers including Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, Wendell Berry, who wrote beautifully about the simple things we need to live well
- evolutionary biologists like Jane Goodall and Frans de Waal, whose research challenges the hard divide between humans and "animals" and shows that human nature is at least as collaborative as it is competitive
- sociologists like Arlie Russell Hochschild, Dale Spender, whose research illuminates the vast amount of unpaid work that goes uncounted in what we call the economy
- social and neuroscientists including Daniel Kahneman, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Antonio Damasio whose research challenges our ideas of "rationality"
- positive psychologists like Martin Seligman whose work reframes mental health as an ideal to build for, rather than a problem to solve
- Buddhist teachers like Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron who have made practices like mindfulness and concepts like interbeing accessible to western-educated students
- systems thinkers like Dana Meadows, Melanie Goodchild who bring "the water we're swimming in" into view
- Indigenous writers like Robin Wall Kimmerer, Tyson Yunkaporta, who challenge us to engage in two-eyed seeing
- black feminist activists like Audre Lorde, adrienne maree browne who challenge the underpinnings of everything and do it joyfully

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

My cosmology is based on interbeing - the idea that separation is an illusion, that we are all fundamentally connected with everything and everyone around us, and through practice we can experience that oneness directly. Our role as humans is ultimately to be carers and stewards, firstly of ourselves and our own awareness, and out through all the layers we're part of.

Date CreatedJune 27, 2023