Your NameNille Skalts
Cohort AssignmentEurope Summer-Fall 2023, Cohort 2
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

My primary work at this stage is a developmental zoom in, energy and dedication to inner work working on my sense of belonging after the recent death of my father and the discovery of the lands of my maternal ancestors. My curiosity flows to this deeper discovery of being part of a lineage before me, that will continue after me, and my contribution to the continuing evolution. I am currently exploring how inner growth influences how I approach creating conditions conducive to life for my family, my team, the individual businesses that I care for, the movement of businesses, and the economic system we’re nested in - acknowledging that this evolution my core is essential for my commitment to being in service to a healthier World & Earth.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I often find myself comfortable in a role, where I am 'holding space for something to emerge' for others, and I hope to be contributing to the continuous evolution of others – but I will also welcome this program and moment in time as an opportunity to let myself be nourished, in a reciprocal, conscious co-evolution.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

Bringing a regenerative approach into life. I aim at being fully present, committed to togetherness and the dialogue, and continuously thinking about how I think and the quality of my thinking, observing my patterns of sensemaking to be able to sense the world anew.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

I am blessed with an inherent ability to sense and intuitively knowing, but my conscious language lacks mean of expression. I hope to work my consciousness of thinking processes, explore assumptions, ontology and epistemology, and limits that I perceive – and link my new insights to practice both to develop how I think about and impact my cause, and to be freer in expression, to serve fully what I truly care about.

5. And for professional growth?

Developing the regenerative capability and potential of my professional endeavors, my projects, the business that I guide, and my region more broadly. I wish to evolve the genetics of business, to build an economic system that is more inclusive, equitable and regenerative and as I am fascinated by place, the story of place, its essence and vocation and the sense of belonging. I desire to explore the essence of the Nordics, help rediscover what this place need to regenerate to thrive and flourish.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have invested in relations, connections, and an openness to explore worldviews. I have invested in self-work, curiosity and time dedicated to exploring my essence. I am dedicated and have invested myself, served others with no expectation of outcome – and benefitted immensely.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

I have been lucky to have shared time with Carol Sandford, as a part of her changemaker circles, and her ability to engage us with key frameworks has been very important to my evolution, and of great value to me in the nascent discovery of how I think, how I think about thinking. My most precious, valuable, and enduring learning experiences comes from integrating learning into practice in my work, – and as a mother I am learning massively with my child every day, moments of greatest joy, biggest fear and longest stretch, as she provides ample opportunities, questioning, disrupting mechanical patterns and inviting for essence thinking - the invitation is open, and available whenever I dedicate time and consciousness.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Interdependence is key in my cosmology of life. I belong to you. I am because of you. We, as humans, are nature. We’re not free-floating consciousnesses, we are connected to everything and everyone around us. We must understand our connectedness, our interdependence, and we must understand it with all our senses, with our hearts. We will thrive as stewards, care-holders, through dedication to others and to Earth.

Date CreatedAugust 30, 2023