Your NameMelina Merdanovic
Cohort AssignmentEurope Summer-Fall 2023, Cohort 2
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

I've found myself at an interesting crossroad at the moment in my work life. I've worked as a researcher in different spaces - in NGO sector and in the past few years in market reseach. Up until recently I've worked at Kantar (market research agency) in the innovation department, however I have left this position a month ago, and now I'm in process of carving out my next step.

Research is my passion and this is the direction that I want to explore further. The main question at the moment is whether to continue with my research path in the corporate sector or change the direction. While there are disadvantages of the corporate structures, I am also keen on exploring this space and it's potential for positive change in the world and society. There is a lot of momentum on sustainability at the moment in this space in particular and I would like to explore if this would be the space where I can use my skills and make a positive contribution.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

At the moment I am wrapping up my role as an Innovation researcher Kantar. I believe my main role is still to be defined, but it would evolve around the question: How may I use my (research) skillset and experience to contribute to positive social and environmental movements?

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

To find spaces where I apply my skills and knowledge, while also serving a greater purpose that is in line with sustainability and regenerative principles.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

- being more compassionate with myself and my own processes
- replacing the approach of pushing myself with allowing and exploration
- integrating my spiritual knowledge and practical skills in my work environments

5. And for professional growth?

Reflecting back on my past years at the market research agency, I realized how I've absorbed a fast-paced, 'outcome and output oriented behavior' and a way of being.
With my next chapter and steps, I set an intention to practice different ways of being, doing and working.
Closing a chapter with the market research agency and living in Amsterdam for 10 years have also made me realize the potential of this network I have built and possible collaborations that can arise from it.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have invested a lot in my education as a yoga teacher and in obtaining a masters degree in International development. However, I believe that the most of my growth has come from moving to Amsterdam at the age of 21. I believe I have invested a large amount of courage and openness to be vulnerable on my path.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

- Yoga science
- Yoga teachers
- Knowledge and learnings from the field of International development and Peacebuidling/Social cohesion. As a part of my masters degree, I've conducted research with Buddhis monastic teachers in Myanmar on the topic of social cohesion. This experience, knowledge and interactions that came with this project have shaped my worldview
- Buddhism
- Various authors on self-development and spirituality: Wayne Dyer, Brene Brown, Esther Hicks, Louise L. Hay

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

I don't know the correct or fancy term for this but I believe in a universe where all beings and parts are interconnected and influence each other.

Throughout my life I have invested in building meaningful connections, however when I comes to my work, I have operated somehow in a more isolated way. Only until a few years ago, I realized the power of building networks and cooperation. I believe that each individual has their own unique role to play in society. I'm now curious to learn new ways of building connections with people and exploring how we can enhance each others lives and work.

Date CreatedAugust 30, 2023