Your NameCatarina Soares
Cohort AssignmentEurope Summer-Fall 2023, Cohort 1
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Prepare my children as best as I can with the skills and connections they will need for the future, and support decision makers to open their conscience and find their purpose so they can best serve humanity and ecology.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I can connect people, with themselves and others, and I can guide them to purpose, integrity and real power, supporting them in letting go of conditioning beliefs.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

Provide space and time for people to remember how the world is meant to be and what their purpose is

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

- Further develop my intuition and foresight
- Deepen Community
- Move with my family to the country side

5. And for professional growth?

- Teach more
- Learn about nature, food systems and interconnectedness (started gardening and growing food in my backyard, and have bought a small piece of land where I want to take this to the next level)
- Develop a safe space in Portugal (near Santiago Cacem, Alentejo), where people can come to learn and connect (to self, others and nature)

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

Learning: MBA to understand capitalism system, course on history of Buddhism that taught me different perspective and tools, mindful meditation trainings and retreats like MBSR certification to learn about being present, conscious capitalism certification to learn new tools of using capitalism towards positive results (such as purpose and stakeholders mapping), shakti leadership to learn about personal development (mine and others) of leaders (including what we need to let go, and how to achieve wholeness and integrity), and Plant Medicine initiation retreat to really see the world as it is and how it is meant to be, guided by the wisdom of the trees and the plants.

Living: Left Portugal at 24 to see the world and understand how different cultures are organised, including in Africa for over 5 years, Asia for 1 year, USA for 2 years, Netherlands for 2 years, and now have been back to Portugal since 2015, bought 3 hectares of land to guard, tend to and learn from

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

- Buddha
- Christ
- A few important books for me - The Chalice and the Well, Goethe's Way of Science, Many Lives Many Masters
- Conscious Capitalism (Raj Sisodia)
- Shakti Leadership (Nilima Bhat)
- Rudolf Steiner perspectives (I was invited to a 3 day conference with Antroposophic business practitioners, where I did a keynote presentation on Conscious Leadership)
- Nature itself is the highest teacher

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Life is magical, it's a gift, it is based on nature and Love, both abundant, generous, wise, and interconnected. We used to live in harmony with nature and each other but in the last few thousand years we (humans) lost our ways and moved from service to extraction.

Humans are here to serve and enable ecology, to embody love, to live in collaboration. Unfortunately we have forgotten that we are Nature, we have forgotten that we are Love/Divine, and have been living in separation which has been (and is continuing to be) causing enormous amounts of suffering.

We have a responsibility to remember the ways of nature and to put ourselves back at her service.

Date CreatedAugust 29, 2023