Your NameNuno Cruz
Cohort AssignmentEurope Summer-Fall 2023, Cohort 1
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

I am currently working as a tour leader, mainly outside Europe. Regardless of this current job, I see myself developing something connected with regenerative tourism.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I see myself playing a more connected role with facilitating activities related with inner growth and regenerative tourism solutions to approach the current chalenge we are facing in tourism and in the world.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I want to be able to realize in which point I stand now, regarding my understaing of regenreative thinking and regenerative thinking applied to tourism.
I want to learn more about the way I can better facilitate groups where we can explore solutions aligned with regenerative tourism.
I want to hear and learn about experiences and currently applied solutions to the different chagelenges faced by other tourism and operators.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

To put into practice something. I have been doing a deep regenerative and inner path this last months, which helped me to root in me. Now I want to continue down this road but also understanding and applying the lessons and insights I had during this processes. So the arena is realization of personal projects and ideas.

5. And for professional growth?

The professional growth is to come out and try, do, face what comes and learn with all this experiences by doing and co-creating the projects in the drawers.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have been doing courses in regenerative thinking, coleadership, agroforestry, travelling and always searching and researching with people applying different approaches and solutions to different and common problems all over the world. I have invested time, some money, myself into my personal growth and dwelved into the matters and subjects I believe.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

I studied engeenering and it was paramount to develop my logical and rational thinking. I was always too much heart, less mind. Now it balances a little bit more. I have always had an interest in history and human studies. I have read Krishnamurti, Alan Watts, Agostinho da Silva and many others. I have lately been in touch with the philosophy behind Tamera, the biotope for peace in Portugal, and is something I am still exploring.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

It is hard for me to frame my life phylosophy as it is based in transformation and service to life above all. What we think, plan, do must be in allignance with something bigger, which is life. As such to be a pilgrimm in this world and in this life is the role of each of us. Walking the path of life with the greatest positive impact and healing us and the world around us, is what I feel and search to do even more. So it is fundamental to be rooted in oneselfe essence and pace, to live life. A life where less is more flowing with the universe and working where it brings us about to work. Something in this lines.

Date CreatedAugust 29, 2023