Your Name | Rafael Cobo |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Cohort A (Europe + MENA) |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | To be on a service role, mainly bringing "seeds from the future" to special nodal points in Spain for a regenerative transformation. |
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | Educator, designer, parent, magician. |
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | As Carol Sanford says, "bringing promises wekk above my current level of ableness"... so my goal is to transform Spain into a regenerative country in the years to come. |
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | Trusting life in its wise unfolding, continue building those beautiful beigger than self realities as family, organizations, neighbourhoods, bioregions, countries... |
5. And for professional growth? | My complete priority is to become a Regenerative Practitioner. I have already three big projects at the level of organization, place, and bioregion that are already pulling me much ahead of my current level of ableness... |
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | For the last 10+ years, almost all my time!!! First in the whole systems/art of hosting/process U...then in personal mastery (meditation, yoga, energy work...), conscious leadership, sustainability.... now circle seems to close with regenerative principles and design... |
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | Process U (Otto Scharmer, Jaworsky, Senge), art of hosting, systems thinking and communities (Meadows etc), action-research, reflective-action (Bill Torbert)... |
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | Consciousness is the foundation of everything. We are in the experience of human consciousness, therefore our role in life is fundamental. |
Date Created | January 21, 2023 |