Your NameLauren Xie
Cohort AssignmentCohort C (Americas, In-Person Intensive)
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Serving as an effective practitioner in shifting/building power and resources for social and environmental justice and systems change for a regenerative future. I am an avid learner and believe in reflexivity in my work.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I see my role as someone who uses relationships and generates creativity through experience, reflection and pulling together a wide range of interdisciplinary theories and experiences to advance systems transformation. In my current position, I see myself well-positioned to shift resources toward people and projects that are working toward systems change and/or building a more just future.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I would love to learn more about applying regenerative development, specifically to be able to:
1) clearly and succinctly communicate what it is and its value to others in my organization
2) push a regenerative development agenda / place-based transformation agenda in the development of our new programs, given that one of my primary job functions is to design new programs

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Getting more comfortable in my own skin and being more courageous in speaking my truth and speaking truth to power, even in contexts where it can feel difficult due to limited support / multiple perceived and real barriers. Getting better at doing it in a way that brings people along rather than getting people feeling defensive.

5. And for professional growth?

I would like to grow in my leadership and intrapreneurial capacities, especially in my ability to attract external partners and funders and build and maintain relationships for collaboration

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I do a lot of self-directed learning and online networking, reading and exploring. I have a wide variety of work experiences in a variety of fields and geographies, all broadly linked to sustainability and development. In terms of degrees, I have an MBA and MSc in Nature, Society and Environmental Governance from Oxford and a BA in Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

- human geography; critical social sciences (political ecology, ecofeminism, eco-Marxism, critical race theory, urban political ecology, postmateriality, science and technology studies)
- I have some prior exposure to regenerative theories and reading, including living systems theory, as well, but have never had the chance to apply them in practice to real-life projects. I'd love to be able to do the latter

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Definitely one where all life is connected, one that is not anthropocentric, and one where humans restore a deep connection with all living (and nonliving) things and the Earth. I believe in liberation ecology.

Date CreatedJanuary 15, 2023