Your Name | Daniel Arturo Abreu Mejia |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Spring 2023 Cohort C: Americas with In-Person Intensive in Santa Fe |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | To co-create and co-develop sustainable-regenerative initiatives that serves as models and inspiration to be replicated and seeds a more positive trend of humans harmonizing with the intelligence of Mother Earth. |
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | To ignite and organize great but disperse ideas, bring together the diversity of people necesary to co-develop the inspiring sustainable-regenerative initiatives and learn how to communicate what is worthwile to share of these experiences. |
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | To co-create a retreat and learning center for regenerative and nature connection experiences withing a spiritual (non dogmatic) approach. I'm already in the process of buying the land in a community of the Dominican Republic partnering with a Dutch neighbor that works for Terra Genesis. To facilitate that a very special tree close to my home is declared a Natural Monument by the government and develop with the community a green park sorrounding the tree to increase its protection that serves as a model for other parts of the country. To integrate regenerative development lens to my daily work as an environment advisor, consultant and project manager, currently working a lot on waste management. |
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | To completely inmerse myself in the practice of regenerative development and integrate this approach in the arenas exposed in the previous question. I'm rsearching on the balance of the masculine and femenine principle in the great religous traditions, sheding light to the case that such balance has always existed but repressed and ignored, specially regarding to the role of women in the development of the great traditions (Mary Magdalene as the first succesfull Christian preacher, Sarah as important as Abraham in stabilish Judaism, Aisha the last wife of Muhammed as the great expansionist of Islam, and so on). Im not sure how but I feel this is important to mature the relationship of us humans with Nature. I deeply want to learn how to sing harmonics (as a self healing tool) and be able to share that in public (as a gift to offer to others). |
5. And for professional growth? | To completely inmerse myself in the practice of regenerative development and integrate this approach in the arenas exposed in question 3. This both a personal and a professional aim. Specially my third goal of integrating regenerative development lens to my daily work as an environment advisor, consultant and project manager, currently working a lot on waste management. I want to co-create a truly sustainable-regenerative learning program-experience for children and-or youth that become financially self funded. |
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | I have invested years of passing through academic institutions, college was purgatory, bachelor studies were enriching and my master in the Netherlands was a revelation. Also invested much time and energy in all kinds of works bith voluntary and paid, many many trips abroad. Invested many conversations sharing dreams and fewer but happier moments of manifesting some of those dreams. |
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | Joana Macy from the Work that Reconnects. |
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | I can try. I understand that the universe-multiverse and Mother Earth is an intelligent entity bursting with consciousness at many levels of awareness and humans are a key evolutionary especies that have the role to link all the existing kingdoms (mineral, vegetebal, fungui, animal) to foster a benevolent co-evolution of life on Gaia and beyond. |
Date Created | February 14, 2023 |