Your NameSian Willmott
TRP Cohort AssignmentAustralia 2023
Study Cohort Members

Faye Adams, Kelvin Wicks, Sally Kendall, Samantha Peart, Sian Willmott

Working Title of The Project (which we will use to refer to it throughout the series)

Lifesciences Building

Project Location


Nature of The Project (e.g. building, new community, economic development, etc.)


Why do you think this project is appropriate for the course assignment?

When completed in 2019, the building achieved 'world-leading' sustainable - a 6 Star Green Star Rating. Life sciences is a growing market in Australia (and globally), with the redevelopment of the nearby Arden precinct expected to develop this type of offering at its core.
This project is appropriate as it provides the opportunity to reflect on what 'world leading' meant; its correlation to regenerative and the potential shift required for this type of development into the future.

Additional Useful Information

Date CreatedAugust 14, 2023