Your NameSimon Jankelson
TRP Cohort AssignmentAustralia Online, Winter-Spring 2024
Study Cohort Members

Caresse Cranwell, ian sanderson, julie goodhart, Liz Dare

Working Title of The Project (which we will use to refer to it throughout the series)

Mullum SEED theory of change and fundraising prospectus

Project Location


Nature of The Project (e.g. building, new community, economic development, etc.)

Mullum SEED Simon recently worked with his organisation Mullum SEED to facilitate a theory of change workshop. He synthesized the workshop into a theory of change one pager which includes the key activities, outcomes and long term vision/impact for Mullum SEED. He then developed a fundraising prospectus which pitches the organisations theory of change and related activities to philanthropists to ask for funding to achieve the theory of change.

Why do you think this project is appropriate for the course assignment?

Our mission: "Mullum SEED are growing a eco-system of empowered leaders and organisations in the Northern Rivers who are collectively innovating solutions for a regenerative and resilient future for our region".
There seems to be some concern about how the theory of change / mission is being integrated into the organisations' strategy. The tendency is to focus on developing leaders and not for profit organisations that walk through the door rather than focus on a systems level / whole of place based change.
Our hypothesis is that the theory of change workshop was perhaps based on an interventionist approach, was not done in a slow regenerative development based approach and therefore, those that work in the organisation are not fully aligned with it yet. There could be a review on the approach Simon took in leading the workshop and also the result of the theory of change and the resulting fundraising prospectus which tells the story of the organisation.

Additional Useful Information

Simon (who is writing this in the third person), is concerned that the work is still fresh and needs time to synch in. That opening up the work for review at this stage might be too early and the organisation does not have a lot of capacity to revisit it all at this point. It is also very close to home as Simon was just contracted to create this piece of work.
We are wondering if another project to focus on might be more appropriate. We have another option.
FYI. Simon has reached out to Drika to setup a time to talk about this.

Date CreatedJuly 18, 2024