Your NameKali Gibson
Cohort AssignmentAmericas Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in the Hudson Valley, Spring-Summer 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

The world is riddled with big challenges and business often plays the villain in this reality. I am interested in exploring how we can support organizations and businesses to exist for more than simply getting the next funding round or for profit. I believe we can harness the power of business for good if a transformative change occurs in individuals' lives and impact is built into business strategy.

I see my primary work as helping organizations better understand their purpose and how to build an agile, transformative, stakeholder-focused strategy that meets their goals (including impact-focused ones). In practice, this can look like a KPI development plan to running an interactive Theory of Change workshop, to developing resources to be shared on impact strategy. While I spend most of my time with the World Wildlife Fund right now, I see my work focused on various clients through a consultant-based relationship. This allows me to reach more clients and diversify my work.

My underlying work is to maintain a balanced lifestyle and work schedule that helps me stabilize my health issues and allows me to have the energy to work and live in a way that brings me joy.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I see my role as two-fold right now. Primarily, I am a learner. I am still new to the consulting world and am always learning innovative theories and techniques for strategy and impact measurement. I am also learning from each client I work with. Secondly, I do think I have experiences and skills I can share openly and honestly with others about. My life mission statement (right now) is: Showing love to others by sharing my experience, skills, plans, and creations in hopes of bringing momentary joy or lasting justice to a world needing radical change. I do think it's my role to be a part of creating a positive change in the world - both professionally and personally.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

1. To deepen my understanding of innovative and transformative methods for strategy and impact measurement that I can then offer to clients.
2. To be seen/recognized as someone with a role to play in this work and skills to contribute towards it.
3. To maintain my balance of work time, while bringing in an income that works for my household budget.
4. To work with a US-based client in 2024.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

I think I am at a bit of a crossroads in life. Maybe it's my age (33) or the fact that it's almost been 2 years now that I left the more mainstream work life to pursue something that works better for my health needs and lifestyle preferences. I think my next personal growth areas are:
1. Learning how to listen deeply and be content with just being. I think this will help me with my impatient tendencies.
2. Setting realistic expectations and pivoting more gracefully when they are not met.
3. Connecting and having conversations with those who have widely different opinions from mine.
4. Finding/creating a deeper local community - and being open to this looking different than perhaps what is in my mind.
5. Gaining confidence in my abilities

5. And for professional growth?

Some professional growth areas are:
1. Switching up my main clients and finding more local ones that I can be working with, alongside my international ones.
2. Diving deeper into strategy work and transformative ways of measurement and planning.
3. Creating a "brand" for myself that is reputable and notable to others - updating my website, leaning into LinkedIn and local networking etc
4. Testing out a collective method of like-minded consultants to seek new work with.
5. I would like to dive deeper into certain topics to enhance my knowledge, skills, and confidence such as GRI, EU regulations, etc.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have invested in two degrees - an undergrad in Economic Development and a graduate degree in Social Business & Microfinance. My husband and I invested a year and a half of our lives to living in Scotland for me to pursue my grad degree and to learn more about the UK/European context.

I have invested lots of overtime hours at previous jobs ( B Lab for 8+ years) and in a career coach who helped me leave that job and pursue something that is more in line with my health and well-being needs.

I have invested a lot of time reading books on my own, listening to podcasts, attending webinars and training and being on hours of zoom calls connecting with others in the field/mentors.

More recently, I Invested in a website for myself, a cut in pay to try something new and all of the resources that come with trying to go out on your own in work as a consultant.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

I grew up in Christianity so Jesus's teachings and displays of radical justice were important. Economic and Community development (and international development before I re-trained my way of thinking) were very important to me. A bit later in life, social business, social enterprise, the cooperative movement and the Certified B Corp movement were important topics. Right now, transformative outcomes, impact strategy (I think I made this field up), climate change and cultural change are areas of interest.

Søren Kierkegaard, Wendell Berry, Shane Claiborne, Edgar Allan Poe and E. F. Schumacher (Small is Beautiful) have been super influential and important to me in their writings.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Honestly, right now I can't as I am in the process of deconstructing some of the old stories and religious beliefs I was taught growing up. I can share a few things I think I know.
1. Every human has equal value and no human is supreme to another. Therefore there is no room for hate, 'isms, or war.
2. Humans should care for the earth and protect it as their home.
3. Those with more should seek ways to shed so those with less have more.
4. Growth should not be the end goal.
5. Treat people with respect, empathy love and care.

I do believe there is a higher power (call it God) and I think being in nature is the best way to connect to it.

Date CreatedMay 5, 2024