Your Name | Laia Gomez Valle |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Great Britain & Ireland Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Devon, Spring-Summer 2024 |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | At this precise moment in time I am working on knowing myself better and understanding in what I want to invest my time to feel more purposeful.
So my primary work is on this at the moment, and this course is part of that work.
I hope then to find different activity/activities in the future as primary work.
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | In the world, I would like to have a change actor role, developing projects and enabling the creation of an environment where people can reflect on life, on how they live their life, and have space for changing in the ways they want to change to feel more aligned with a purpose, and thrive while enjoying life.
In my surroundings, I would like to see myself as a nurturing and loving person towards my family and friends, supporting them so they can be themselves fully with me and in their environment.
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | I would say my aim at this point in time is to define my goals. I am also learning to not put expectations on goals or attaching myself too much to them/the end result.
I realised in the last years that goals are a draft of what might happen, it is good to define where you would like to go and what you would like to achieve, and then start walking and see what happens, accepting whatever it comes and wherever life takes you, and adapting and changing the goals on the way.
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | I want to gain more confidence on myself, on whatever I do.
I can grow on assertiveness, on detaching myself on judgement, on acceptance. On understanding better the position of others and their perspectives. On listening with an open heart, in every conversation. On focusing more on one topic at a time, instead of too many. On having more patience and enjoying more the process as life unfolds.
During moments in life, I am currently on the state of analysing what happened and how my thoughts and words intervened on the situation after it has passed. Very few times happened that during the situation/moment I was aware of my thoughts and actions, and they were not reactions. I really enjoyed those particular moments, and I am working towards more of those. To take an observant position when something is happening, instead of jumping into living it right away.
5. And for professional growth? | I would like to understand better:
- systems thinking, that is why I take the course.
- change management, how to enable change, who to deal with it, as an individual and as a group
- Agile methodologies, for the bit I have learn I think it can be applied to life, not only to projects or products
- coaching, how to understand people and support people better
- capitalism, financial and political current system
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | Time, energy, attention and money.
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | In fields of learning I would say science in general (Mathematics, Biology, Physics mainly), engineering, languages, cultures around the world, spirituality, leadership, etc.
As per thinkers that have been important in my life, I think a lot of authors and thinkers have had an influence on what I think, but I am not able to point anyone in particular as more important than others. I try to reflect a lot of what I learn, what I hear, what I read, and I recently challenge quite a lot everything and try to experience it myself. I try to believe something based on my experience, rather than because someone I can consider important or I look up to says it.
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | As a start, everything existing is matter and energy combined in different ways or forms. And it changes and transforms through what we label as time.
Whether there is a consciousness behind the combination of matter and energy into the forms we see, I am still investigating. At this point in my life, I do think there is something behind the mind, the body and the emotions in humans, and I think it is the same thing behind everything else that exists in the universe. It is all one, behind all different forms of energy and matter.
I am more inclined towards thinking that there is no intrinsic purpose in life for the current form of matter and energy we have, there is no destiny, and we are just here to experience, live, change, evolve, transform, and learn in the process. However, in our daily experience, we can feel life has more purpose when we align into something that enables ultimately to spread and share love and kindness with other beings. In summary, humans come to life to learn through living and experiencing, to find ways to connect with the consciousness behind our current matter and energy form, and to spread and share love and kindness with other beings.
Date Created | May 20, 2024 |