Your NameSofia Sarmiento Arboleda
Cohort AssignmentGreat Britain & Ireland Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Devon, Spring-Summer 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Great question!

I have a multiple income sources that come from my work, but pointing out a primary job is quite premature in this stage.

Right now, the project that I am mostly long-term commited and that by now doesen't provide me a source of income or too much time to invest at is the foundation of a School for Regenerative Educators that I carry on with a team of three university professors who have previously conducted the TRP and are promoting regenerative views for transforming higher education in the Netherlands and around the world.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I feel myself as the "soul" of this teamwork project.
There was one time in which we all participated in an activity of systems' constellations, in which I was randomly chosen as "the soul" of the person who was constellating and as the key element that brought balance, strength and authenticity to the whole system. Back then, all my colleagues agreed on that that role suited me well, but right now, this seems to me a bit far from the reality, since I see my colleagues as experts in the field and feel relatively shy to fully contribute with my hole potential.
PS: my partner describes my role as "the essential voice of the students of the School" 🙂

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

In regard to my role in the School of Regenerative Educators I would aim to bring cohesion, purpose, direction and means to my team for making things happen and keeping the School running and allowing the project and the members to express and live their potential.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

My next arenas for personal growth are in the capacity to heartfeltly express myself truly as I am, daring to be present and to fully commit and align my hands-heart-mind in the projects that I decide to take part on. To have a clear direction and developed intuition about which path to follow and how to do it being fully aligned with myself.

5. And for professional growth?

For professional goal, I aim to consolidate and make the School of Regenerative Educators a collective self sustaining project.
Also, to discover my passion and give it a concrete shape that is in service of my community and within the frame of the School. To concreting the way to fulfill my personal purpose in life and to be able to support my living out of my job.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

To get where I am I invested seven years of my life to complete my studies as well as some courage, discipline and freedom.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Philosophy and fantasy have been two important fields that shape my interest for life and curiosity. In particular and as an academic and professional combination of both, a career in social sciences has been important in the way I develop myself in these two fields. In that sense, thinkers as Vandana Shiva, Michael Ende, Cleopatra and my father.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

My cosmology of life is related to indigenous views that place humans as sons and daughters of the Earth. Our role is to take care of nature, letting her flourish, removing the obstacles that harm her and fully enjoying in plenitude the gift of life.

Date CreatedMay 21, 2024