Your NameEllen Osborne
Cohort AssignmentGreat Britain & Ireland Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Devon, Spring-Summer 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

I think my work is often in response to a version of this question/s: How do we learn and collaborate and work, together? In regenerative ways? (In order to meet the challenges ahead.)
My work is about connection... to self, to others, to the more than human world, to wonder... these things seem weave into what it means to be a regerative practitioner.

I am a Trustee at Hazel Hill. This work feels like an important microcosm of work that needs to happen. Stewarding a small charity and woodland, together in circle with a small group of trustees. To support people to connect with nature...
Personal 'work' that I am engaged in daily, or trying to engage with daily - To take deep, loving care of myself, so I can do this work with strength and health and in order to have the capacity to support those in need.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

Professionally I find myself 'facilitating'. This is big and broad and ranges far and wide... It is a broad role...
I host/facilitate/run the Regenerative Design Lab with a friend and colleague. This work is facilitating, hosting, prompting, provoking, connecting, asking questions, to create spaces and experiences that help people connect to themselves, to nature, to others... to help them reflect, to connect to their values, to connect to the impact of their work and lives, to feel courage to experiment with something new. To help them to understand how they can use their gifts and skills in this world.

I also think it spans personal life too... it shows up in conversations with friends and family too... through reflective conversations, celebrating acheivements, or being a shoulder to cry on, processing and making sense of things, together.

There's a Ram Dass quote about 'We are all just walking each other home". I think I see myself as a walker, walking alongside people. The literal version of walking together is one of my favourite things to do!

I've also sometimes imagined myself as a gardener of sorts ... it feels a term for a role that is connective, cyclical, listening, and growth-ful, and in tune with seasons etc.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I know I am here on this course because I believe deeply in regenerative practice and process... this course feels like a next, close in step to my work and playing this role of facilitator, walker, gardener.... how do I live, play, do, be, work, meet people, in regenerative ways?

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Learning new lands and the more than human world that is around me in Wiltshire. What creatures, what plants are my neighbours? How can I listen to them better. Listen to what they have to teach me.
Take my amatuer actual gardening to the next level. Encourage a wildlife haven in my garden.
Creative Practice. I long for space in my life to create!
Confidence. Healing something I can only describe as anxiety, that walks with me.
I have a feeling these all link somehow

5. And for professional growth?

Facilitation, coaching. Doing this more and more outdoors.
Weaving regenerative practice deeply into my work with others

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

So much! I will choose to interpret the word invest broadly... I have invested in:
- Family, my partner, friends (I continue to invest my love to these people as much as I can)
- Learning: degree, School of System Change, Huddlecraft Huddle, Warm Data Lab training, Coaching certification
- Self understanding, healing: Therapy, IFS
- Invested energy, courage, bravery to quit a job that sat uncomfortably with my values and view of the world and the future.
- I invest time to support projects and ventures that I think are doing good things in the world - through support, cheerleading, sharing info where I can
- I recently moved to the countryside, to invest in living a lifestyle that nourishes me rather than depletes me. I try to be outside walking paths and woodland and fields every day, this feels like investment, luxury, privilege, as much as needed nourishment and the essential part of life.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Systems Theory: People such as: Donella Meadows. Joanna Macy. Bill Sharpe. Robin Wall Kimmerer. Nora Bateson. Frederick LaLoux. Otto Scharmer. Anna Birney and Laura Winn from the School of System Change. Artists... poets
A 5 year stint in an organisation called The Future Laboratory taught me a lot about futures, trends, cultural change, before I knew about systems theory.
The kindness of my parents and grandparents.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Hmmm, I'll have a go...
I think my world view and philosophy of life is rooted in relationships... this is how I have come to understand the world. We are always in relationship. To to ourselves, to others, to other life around us, to objects, to land to soil, to the space around us... the list goes on. Every thing, whether you think of a 'thing' as living, non living, a concept etc. is in relationship.
Can we grow our awareness of being in relationship?

I think we hold (and often express a sense of, or desire for, or duty of) responsibility. I think we are responsible for many crises this planet and all life on it faces. I think we have a responsibility to do something about that, for those ancestors before and after us, and all other life. Some days I am more or less hopeful and generous about what will be possible.

Date CreatedMay 23, 2024