Your NameTamara Baker
Cohort AssignmentAmericas with Online Intensive, Winter-Spring 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

My career has focused on growing and scaling social impact organizations - both for and non-profit, as an employee in senior leadership positions and as a consultant. I have been steep in the worlds of ‘sustainability’, ‘social impact’, ‘social entrepreneurship’, etc. I specialize in operations and marketing, leading multi-disciplinary and cross-functional teams. I translate vision and strategy into operational plans and execution - the people, processes, and systems needed to achieve growth/scale goals.

This is who I was.

I made the decision to close my ‘COO-for-hire’ consulting practice. I made the decision that I will not be returning to full time employment for the foreseeable future. For a long list of reasons, my professional ‘career’ was no longer serving me or my family’s best interest.

I have chosen to put motherhood first, my family first. My husband (Cordell Jacks) and I have a shared vision of bringing regenerative principles to life in all aspects of our life. To walk the talk. He is leading this ‘out in the world’ as he builds Regenerative Capital Group - and I am supporting him in this by doing their marketing and communications, and as a sounding board for him. I am leading this in our ‘inner world’ - our shared values and how our children are raised, our couplehood, and the stewardship of the home we live in, the land we live on, and the community we live within.

This is my primary work at this stage in my life.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

A leading role in the home/family unit, taking regenerative frameworks/philosophies/principles and adapting and applying them to the ‘inner world’ of our family - to bring us into greater alignment and connection to a regenerative way of life and relating.

I also play a supporting role to my husband and his company, as a sounding board for vision, strategy, and execution, helping him make decisions and shape a path forward, through a regenerative lens. I also support as a communicator of what he and the company are doing in the world, as a beacon for regenerative business and leadership.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?
In regards to supporting my husband and his company, I want to share a common language, frameworks, and ways of perceiving so that I can be of service in a deeper and more impactful way - so that I am better able to help build, create, and bring the regenerative vision to life.

In regards to bringing regenerative principles to life within my family - I don’t know what that would look like yet so do not have any explicit goals. I want to learn, and through the program contemplate how might I bring regenerative frameworks/philosophies/principles to life within my family. From that I trust there will be ample inspiration for goals and aims.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

This course is part of a deeper process of personal growth that is unfolding for me as I step into 2024 - a process that is calling me to examine and let go of old patterns and ways of being and perceiving in multiple areas of my life and identity. I am being called to step into a more authentic way of being, and doing a lot of deprogramming and new narrative writing.

5. And for professional growth?

Who I become professionally is someone who brings regenerative to life in the world. I am in deep trust that wherever my professional career goes next, this course and regenerative principles will play a key role in shaping that path.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

This is the first time I have invested into professional education in a long time. For the past 6 years I have looked at different forms of professional education (MBA, Exec Ed, certifications) but nothing clicked, it all felt forced - like I was forcing myself to follow a path that I’m ‘supposed to’ rather than what feels truly inspiring and motivating - I just didn’t want to do more of the same. This course is the first time I have felt deeply inspired and motivated to invest the time and money into my professional education.

In terms of personal growth, I have worked over the past years with plant medicines, indigenous ceremonies, and other healing/consciousness expanding modalities.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

I have a university honors degree in Business, with a double major in Marketing and International Business and a minor in French and Spanish.

The study of language, learning and communicating in non-English languages is an area of learning that has been very important and influential in my life. Being able to understand and communicate in a non-native languages has opened up whole new ways of perceiving the world and I believe has allowed me to cultivate greater empathy, compassion, and broader worldviews.

Over the past decade I have been very practical in my learning - interested in direct application, and not ideas and knowledge for the sake of more ‘knowing’ - I have focused on growing and scaling organizations (Rockefeller Method and Traction) and conscious parenting (Gabor Mate, Dr. Becky, etc).

Human/User Centered Design has been hugely influential to me both professionally and personally with many of the frameworks, tools, and principles deeply embedded into how I work and how I approach problem solving.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

The universe is magical, the meaning of life is love. I believe plants, animals, and the earth itself have spirits, and that humans are part of nature, not separate from it as we have evolved to hold ourselves.

Date CreatedJanuary 18, 2024