Your NameKate Jones
Cohort AssignmentEurope with In-Person Intensive in Lisbon, Winter-Spring 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Reiki teaching and nutrition coaching to enable people to improve their quality of life. I also teach and support those who wish to do the same as Reiki practitioners working with the public. I also work with a team of Reiki masters to bring regenerative thinking to more people in the Reiki community and am also doing this in my other work. To restore/improve the reputation of Reiki as a healing practice.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I have a role as a Reiki master to embody what I teach and practice.
I have a role as a nutrition coach to share the knowledge and understanding I have to empower others to make choices that support their health and thereby enable them to do what they want to in their lives.
I have a role as chair of Reiki Council which sets standards and supports Reiki practitioners working with the public.
This includes working to improve the reputation of Reiki, including in clinical settings.
I have a role as a member of the Reiki Faculty team.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I would like to find a way of synthesising all the strands of my work, so that I don't become overwhelmed or burnt out.
I would like to be able to incorporate more regenerative thinking into my work so that I can be better at enabling people to achieve what they want to in life
I would like to develop my business idea of CRANES to become a thriving business and also include others who will be able to carry the work on when I am no longer there.
I would like to initiate a Reiki master.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

To find ways to make space for myself to wind down, to feel OK about taking time to relax and to engage in creative activities that are just for me. I have a pattern of thinking about how I could get benefit from or benefit others when doing something creative, rather than just doing it for the joy.

5. And for professional growth?

To be able to bring together the different strands of my work so that I can be better organised, be confident that I am using my energy efficiently and providing the best service to the world that I can. I would like to be clearer about what work I need to be doing day to day and in the longer term.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have invested a lot of time in voluntary work over the years. I have invested in attending workshops, retreats and courses with Phyllis Furumoto, a Reiki mentor who first introduced me to regenerative thinking.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

In my teens learning about international community and being of service to the community through an organisation called Fondation International pour Responsables dans la Cite (FIRC)
I learned through my training in physical theatre about 'spiritual theatre', play, lineage and the importance of the energetic presence. Teachers in tis included Peter Brook theatre director and Jaques Lecoq
Chinese philosophy primarily the tao te ching. I still find it an endlessly inspiring book!
Some Buddhist teachings, but I'm not a buddhist
Some Christian teachings although I am not a practising Christian
Ben Haggard - inspired me in deepening my understanding of regenerative thinking and practice!

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

I believe humans to be physical beings on a spiritual journey through life. I believe we make a difference to this journey by how we think about ourselves and about life. This will then make a difference to our actions. It's my understanding that our physical health is related/stems from our mental, emotional and spiritual health. I also believe we need to act in the real/concrete world.

I believe that all life is interconnected, that we are part of a greater whole that ultimately we cannot understand. Therefore it is necessary to surrender to the mystery at times because there are patterns at work that are often beyond our comprehension.
I believe that as adults we need to take responsibiliy in our lives. We can change our thinking and in doing so change how we interact with the others and our environment. There are always going to be challenges in life - death and loss are inevitable. We have the possibility of developing our resilience to these events and to heal what has happened to us in the past that we still carry as trauma. We can also heal the trauma passed down from previous generations, so that we are contributing to creating a better future.
I believe that being as mentally present and acting consciously is beneficial for us as individuals and for others. I also recognise that it is not possible as a human being to be conscious all the time!
I believe that humans are at their best when they are being conscious, creative and of service. I recognise that trying to fix things doesn't work and often is not beneficial.

Date CreatedJanuary 29, 2024