Your NameGreta
Cohort AssignmentEurope, Africa, and the Middle East with Online Intensive, Winter-Spring 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Currently I am still in the last weeks of my masters degree in the field of future studies. I am further working part time in a small consulting company focused on health in organisations.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I would consider myself a very curious person that loves to interact with other people and thereby come to a better shared understanding of life and how we want to live it. Rather than being an expert in one field I have a certain knowledge in a variety of fields and always try to find synergies between them. So if I should sum that up in a role it would be focusing on mediation, deeper ways of understanding and telling stories.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I’d like to continue traveling and engaging in small projects in the next years. Further I want to extend the work with organizations on their future visions, values and mission with a focus on the health and well being of the employees as an important ground to build ins and the understanding of which impact the organisations have on their wider environment.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

At the moment I want to learn how to embed the things I have learned in the past years in my daily life and how I can share my experiences best with others. Further I want to get a deeper knowledge on how to implement regenerative practices in concrete actions, especially when it comes to food (e.g. designing regenerative community gardens ).

5. And for professional growth?

As I am not on a specific career path at the moment rather in the process of how from the experiences I have made I can make a living in the future and have a positive impact at the same time, I see this growth as congruent with my personal growth.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I see the last 8-10 years since leaving school as an investment in my personal and professional growth where I invested my time and energy into getting to know multiple new perspectives on life. In the last three years I have intensified that by giving up my job in public service and the security of a permanent home for traveling different parts of the world and engaging in projects (mainly volunteering) of people that want to make a difference in life and introduced me to a variety of ways of living in harmony with our environment.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Coming from the background of international politics and public law I have gotten used to an analytical way of thinking and seeing things from a grand scale. After a while this though didn‘t satisfy me anymore as the knowledge and it‘s impact seemed shallow and not leading me in the right direction. Through future studies I got introduced to different approaches of critical and systemical future-orientated thinking. In this regard constructivism and pragmatism have shaped my perspective, lately especially contributions of Richard Rorty and his concepts of anti-essentialism, anti-dualism, language and sensitivity. Further through the work with multiple grassroots organisations I got familiar with basic concepts of permaculture and regenerative agriculture and working with my hands with a connection to the earth has become a great teacher for me.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

What I have been indicating in 7. my philosophy of life is shaped by a variety of perspectives and learnings. One aspect I did not mention yet is my learnings from Yoga, Buddhism and spending time in south east Asia as a contrast to european/german cultural mindset and daily life. This has taught me a great deal about time and how important it is to take enough time in daily life to reflect and be aware of our sourrounings.
To me the most important values are open-mindedness, being open to alway question my beliefs and actions, being kind and caring with other people and the earth and trying to have a positive impact in daily life while becoming creative to find new solutions for the future.

Date CreatedFebruary 22, 2024