Your NameYara-Yasemin Schütz
Cohort AssignmentEurope, Africa, and the Middle East with Online Intensive, Winter-Spring 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Currently I see myself as an explorer in transition. I worked the past eight years in the IT industry, with my latest main focus on digital transformation advisory & sales, and being part of a big international tech company. However, since July 2023 I am on unpaid leave (sabbatical) currently exploring various things: from political candidacy on municipal level, to social work (mini job) in the area of care and household help, to looking after children, to working on my first scientific publication, taking philosophy courses at university... and traveling and exploring within my home region and beyond, spending lots of time in nature, particularly in the mountains.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I want to become more of service for increasing the expression of life - in everything I am, and everything I am woven in and interconnected to. Being aware that I am part of so much around me, including many problems, I want to transition becoming a larger player in the solutions to these problems, and in imagining all the unfolded potantial right within and around us.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

Becoming real and practicing what I have learned from previous courses (System's View of Life course from Dr. Fritjof Capra, GEDS from Gaia Education, Designing resilient & regenerative systems MOOC from ETH Zurich) and now the Regenerative Practitioner's course which was highly recommened by my Capra course study group facilitator. Finding a balance between continuous knowledge and information soaking, deep reflection, and active practice in local/regional projects. And of course, co-(un)learning and co-evolving alongside other practitioners in diverse group settings and contexts - learning from and with.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Bring the evolution within myself and some interconnected relationships and projects into real expression and learning in practice. Very much also the "do not simply believe anything I have learned so far and will be learning in the next few weeks without putting it to practice", as well as not rejecting anything before putting it into practice. For me it feels like huuuuge growth over the past few months, in terms of quality for my life and I'd also say some other life's interconnected with mine - I'd like to keep growing in this manner, mutually, and also find some support in this growth in living some questions more deeply that I grew up with and related to in many current systems, such as what is work, what is wealth/prosperity, what is relation, what is life...

5. And for professional growth?

I'd love to find and/or create a professional next for me, that supports and enhances my becoming and flourishing as a regenerative practitioner, where I feel "home (- for now)" as a professional shaping meaningful and effective impact that re-generates conditions for life to thrive. This sounds somewhat so abstract, and simultaneously so intuitive - I am laughing as I am writing these sentences. 🙂

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

"Invested" seems like a pretty big word. I took the brave decision to step up/out/away from my former well-paid "career" as a digital advisor into intentionally unplanned territory with my unpaid leave (sabbatical). I have taken and am continuing to take (mostly online) courses to learn, practice, evolve more deeply and broadly into a regenerative energy for myself and my surrounding, and our home as living beings on earth. I am continuing to seek and seize opportunities outside of my comfort zone in order to continue (un)learning and practicing of what is changing within my self and my perception - how I view the world and what I see.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Puuuh, there are probably a couple, It feels to me like it started with the "Designing resilient & regenerative systems" online course offered by Prof. Tobias Luthe and ETH Zurich and the eye-opening "framework" of regeneration beyond typical, classical, (greenwashing), sustainability understanding in - at least my and most of the ones I know - corporate and political contexts; and system's thinking & design, which makes so much sense to me in addition to my conditioning of life so far in a reductionist dominance. It felt so natural to me, that there's so much beyond the terminology and dominant understand of sustainability - e.g. simply asking the question of what one actually wants to sustain by this or that sustainability endeavour. It continues to feel like coming home. Other inspiring thinkers were Prof. Fritjof Capra, Bill Reed, Nora Bateson, Donella Meadow, Daniel C. Wahl, Bayo Akomolafe, Erich Fromm, Eckhard Tolle, Robert Habeck and looooads of books I read (to name just one example: Untamed by Glennon Doyle). There are SO MANY, and there's probably many more I haven't listed here.. Not to forget my partner (scientist) as a thinker and questioner I wouldn't want to miss.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

I'd say - at this point in time - it's a wild mixture of everything: energy & matter, god/spirituality, mathematics, "traditional" natural science based on chemistry, physics and biology, creativity, chance - all in diverse contexts and without an either-or, but rather an "what if" perception and mindset. We are nature, and nature is life, and life is everything and nothing we know really.

Date CreatedFebruary 25, 2024