Your NameMarjolein Nagel
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Cohort AssignmentEurope Summer-Fall 2023, Cohort 1
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

1. Working as a communication and management consultant in the public sector. At this moment I am involved in a big project on making the real estate portfolio of the Dutch National Police more sustainable. Great part of this project is to change the governance and decisionmaking on these large issues to a more common and public level. Very interesting, but also still a bit old skool. Therefore I am also engaged in another project.
2. Working as a volunteer program manager on the Regenerate Europe Platform and Summit 2024. Regenerate Europe is a network of embodied changemakers & pioneers, that started in Croatia and aims to fuel the regenerative movement in and for Europe. Through showcasing and sharing the practical experiences from different sectors and countries to a broadening public for inspiration and nurturing the learnings from there on. Connected to several Universities of Applied Sciences in Netherlands, Croatia and possibly Portugal we excplicitly choose a multisectoral, multicountry and a practical approach. Learning by doing, and then teaching the learnings. Walking the talk before talking the walk. An important issue in this network is the nurturing of ourselves and each other. So as not to be burned up by fighting for our ideals.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I am looking for a role to play als changemaker, pollinator, weaver, pilgrim, networker, or any other word that would fit. Building the network, sharing the knowlegde. Litteraly: making it common, which communication litteraly means. I see all these pioneers inventing the wheel. I would love to weave the threads of inspiration, nurturing and knowledge in between and also to fuel the movement to a broader public.
But, as you can read, this is still to be defined further.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

Exactly as written above. Finetuning, getting a clearer picture of what I mean and then also taking that position accordingly. Through the course I can learn more on the frameworks and philosophies of regenerative practice. If I can mix that with my professional and life experience and skills AND my vision, that will lead to the next steps and position to be taken.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

See the above. Taking position. Expressing my vision and at the same time stay connected to my own body and energy. I have been doing a lot of personal development and energy work the last 10-15 years. Now it feels to be time to express myself from this standpoint. So: more outer oriented, without loosing the inner connected ness.

5. And for professional growth?

After a long period working in the public sector (nationally and internationally) I feel the urge to work with changemakers directly. We need the government and public policy to anchor the changes, but I am also a little bit tired of the thickness through which all moves. So I feel a need and urge to start on the other end. And who knows, bring it into the public policy space again in a later stage. Or at least I can share my knowledge on that sector with others.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

A lot of energy, working hard, trusting the universe, even in hard times/ believing in the wholeness and connectedness of everything. Being curious and always ready to try something new. And also prepared to leave places and people if necessary. This has also cost me grief and loss. But the pioneer mind was always stronger. Or the search for completion and wholeness. Now I have found much more rest in this and see the lifecircle pattern behind it. I am always the mover. Now I have become a more conscious mover.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

The first that comes to my mind is the TAO here. And nature itself. I am a daily Qigong practioner. Which gives me a healthy mind in a healthy body, but mostly gives an awaress of the 'background of silence', the wholeness of the universe in which we dwell.
And in addition I could say all the thinkers that have a systems approach. We are part of a bigger whole. Changing a small piece can contribute to a larger impact.
That is what I also put in practice in my daily work: keeping an eye and sensing the whole system and move on/ take actions from there on.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

See the above. Humans are part of nature. If we can reconcile that relation we have a better starting point. And at the same time we are able to reflect and to act consciously. So we can be a conscious and active part nature. What we have to do is to live a happy, loving and respectful life among each other, humans and nature. And add some consciousness, some love and some beauty while living. No more no less. The TAO speak of WuWei = non doing. A very delicate balance of not overestimating AND not underestimating ourselves.

Thank you for the beautiful questions.


Date CreatedSeptember 1, 2023