Your NameEla Jakubek-Grootjans
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Cohort AssignmentEurope with In-Person Intensive in Lisbon, Winter-Spring 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Currently - and it has been just about 6 years already - my primary work is the one of raising my kids, actually. I am very deeply connected with my work as their Mother - and that has many layers to it. I am busy with sharing my values, listening to who they are, and observing and gently assisting their development, I am also working on my role as a Mother in the sense of being "a good Ancestor" for them - looking into how to I co-create w world for mz children. their children, children of their children...

A lot of this current work is also actually a work on myself. Getting rid of some old patterns of behaviour, re-connecting with myself so that I can be the Parent they deserve... A lot going on there!

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

See, this is where I am currently struggling. So, in all honesty - I DO NOT KNOW. And it is tough time.
I feel like there is a greater purpose - I cannot just go through my life, without contributing to the well-being of the living systems. I feel like there is so many things inherently wrong around us, that each of us can have a thing that is theirs, and that pushes us all in right direction. Thing is - I cannot put my finger on what is mine... or I feel like I do not have enough knowledge, experience, expertise... I am passionate about food - both growing of it, as well as making it - in a sustainable, healthy way (and enjoying it as well). I am also passionate about all things parenting related (see my identity above). I do have a thing for arts - music and dance... I love community work... See, and I just seem to be stuck in not being able to pick a focus. Tiring.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

Well, with what is said above, my aim is to find this purpose, this role, and start working towards making as significant contribution as I can. So clearly, I am very much embarking on a self-reflection journey here with you.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Definitely unwrapping my other roles from under my Mother role (which still needs constant evolution) - I do need to reclaim myself as a Partner to my husband.
I actually need to reclaim myself for myself in the first place. And then -- soul searching!

5. And for professional growth?

I would love to be able to connect this purpose / meaning to my work. How to weave it into my practice as consultant / facilitator? How do I serve best through my work? I have this deep need of my work to be a part of the greater good as well (it does not sit well with me to be working in a "for profit" framework...).
Lucky for me, the place where I work now can be - and wants to be - a part of that transformation!

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

First and foremost, I invested in working through some personal traumas - a work that never ends, but I am doing the work.
I did invest a lot into growing in the Mother role - put my career on the back burner for a longer while (though I was never really a career-oriented person anyway, it did feel like shifting gears).
I did teak time to try and learn about things that are important and dear to me, and that hold value. Again, a never-ending process, right?

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

On the educational and community work side: Augusto Boal. Big time.
On the whole parenting perspective: Jesper Jull and Alfie Kohn.
I am also attracted to - but admittedly, need to learn much more on systems theory, as well as permaculture.
A recent fascination is also the discussion on ethics of technological advance (very much into Johan Hari's work on attention at the moment...)

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

I think we are part of a whole - and as such, we are interdependent, and we carry a responsibility not only to maintain the ecosystems but to work to make them thrive. We do have a privileged position as a species - and it is our duty to use it to the advantage of the planet and its inhabitants.
Based on my Christian values / spirituality, I see that we have a certain stewardship - a role that was entrusted to us - we are invited to care for, protect, and regenerate Life.

Date CreatedFebruary 6, 2024