Your NameIyas Ait Benhiba
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Cohort AssignmentEurope, Africa, and the Middle East with Online Intensive, Winter-Spring 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

1. Disseminate a new type of leadership that values both inner peace and outer harmony
2. Build regenerative business ecosystems, and
3. Find new innovative ways to facilitate their financing.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

1. The role of a professional certified coach (I am PCC - ICF) - to encourage individuals and groups to bear in mind that darkness is not to be feared as long as light is carried within.
2. The role of FEO (instead of CEO) - Facilitator Ecosystem Officer - Fostering inclusive communities where entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, coaches, educators, artists, craftsmen, and financiers converge to nurture the growth of regenerative initiatives
3. The role of Regenerative Finance Facilitator
I would love to build bridges between various practices: Professional Coaching, Facilitation, and Financial engineering.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

1. My aspiration is for each individual to explore and embrace all parts of themselves, to attentively hear their stories, to coexist harmoniously with them, and to harness the serenity they bring, empowering us to confront the collective challenges of the future with greater resilience.
2. That the creation of corporate eco-systems in the form of Fair Shares Common become more popular and widespread, enabling a new generation of committed citizens to put themselves at the service of the living world.
3. Support the emergence of a Finance that is at the service of life

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Dealing with the frustration of not doing enough to support the required transformation of our current system.

5. And for professional growth?

Coping with the challenges of learning, comprehending, and building at a pace or level that may not meet personal expectations.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

1. Initially, my investment centered on nurturing introspection. Breaking free from external expectations that had long dictated my path, I embarked on a journey to unearth my genuine aspirations, understand my intrinsic motivations, and embrace my personal dreams.

2. Recognizing the misalignment between my pursuits and my true calling, I made a pivotal decision to depart from environments incongruent with my Dharma. This transition involved gradually distancing myself from certain relationships while fostering meaningful connections based on quality rather than quantity. Confronting deep-seated emotions became an integral part of this transformative process.

3. Another significant investment I made was in education, often at the expense of leisurely moments. My discontent with prevailing societal norms spurred me to immerse myself in extensive reading and learning, albeit at the cost of social engagement, as I sought to comprehend and challenge existing paradigms.

4. Realizing the magnitude of the challenge ahead, I transitioned from a career in sustainable finance to fully dedicate myself to reimagining the landscape of finance in alignment with regenerative principles. This shift represents an investment in a collective dream - a future shaped by collaborative efforts within a community that shares my vision.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

I have engaged with various thematics throughout my inner journey:
- On consciousness: Eckart Tolle, Rupert Spira, Rumi
- On self-leadership: David Cooper (anti-psychiatry), Richard C. Schwartz (Internal Family System), Deepak Chopra
- On system thinking: Donela Meadows
- On decarbonisation: Jean-Marc Jancovici
- On new ways to apprehend my coaching practices: Joanna Macy, Daniel Christian Wahl
- On new ways to apprehend finance: John Fullerton, Graham Boyd, Kate Raworth, Nassim Nicolas Taleb
- On new imaginaries: Philippe Descola

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

I've come to realize that a key obstacle to overcoming our current impasse lies in our narrow, naturalistic worldview. Delving into the insights of Philippe Descola, I discovered alternative cosmologies like animism, totemism, and analogism, each offering unique perspectives on existence. These cosmological frameworks shape how we perceive the world around us, with all four ontologies—naturalism, animism, totemism, and analogism—residing within us, latent yet potent.
Since then, my quest has been to harmonize objective and subjective realities, merging scientific rigor with shamanic wisdom. I navigate a cosmology that acknowledges the validity of divergent truths, recognizing that what may seem contradictory can coexist within different contexts and perspectives.
As humans, our pivotal role is to reawaken our interconnectedness with all beings, visible and invisible alike. Instead of attempting to dominate or control the natural order, we must embrace a stance of receptivity and care. By honoring this interdependence, we can cultivate holistic well-being for ourselves, our communities, and the ecosystems to which we belong.

Date CreatedFebruary 25, 2024