Your NameNada Iskander
Cohort AssignmentFrance with In-Person Intensive, Spring-Summer 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Well, this is an interesting question as I find myself in transition. I have established a successful health and wellness center, which has been running since 2011, but find myself looking currently for my calling in a more precise way. I am if you like operating and maintaining the center. I am seeing patients / clients minimally and find myself focusing more and more on applying coaching and self development skills, rather than nutritional therapy.
So if I am being very honest, at the moment, I am open and holding the tension (not easy), to see what is the next step. How can I tap into improving and regenerating not only the wellness center, but my work in this lifetime.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I believe that I am a natural-born teacher. I thrive when sharing knowledge. I love making complex knowledge digestible. I see myself as a teacher, guide (coach), mentor, space holder and consultant.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I would love to have the energy to build a thriving practice like the one I once had. I think I am still struggling with the aftermath of what was a burnout, and therefore am experiencing resistance to throw myself into a regular practice.
I also would like to work with young women coming of age and help them connect to their menstrual cycles and be more intune with their bodies and psyches through cycle tracking.
And last but not least, I would like to have a community space for small businesses and entrepreneurs to be showcased and celebrated.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Learning to accept myself in the phase I am in (menopause). Learning to sit with discomfort and not be impulsive about wanting to fix everything.. Learning to pace myself.. But first and foremost, doing the work that will enable me to (once I am ready), put myself out there, give myself permission to step into my full potential, and beat the anxiety around being seen.
I feel my next step is to distill my calling and understand the skills I need to follow through.

5. And for professional growth?

Well for me personal and professional growth go hand in hand. They are intertwined. I am looking for personal growth to serve my professional growth. And my state on a personal level is informing the confusion in my professional life. All I know is that I have a massive potential that I am not using. I am hoping that through this work and other work, I am doing, I can figure out what this potential is and in which direction it needs to be expressed.
I have always dreamt of creating a health and wellness retreat center. I have so many ideas and concepts and generally I am good at manifesting my ideas, but in this phase of my life, I lack the focus and energy to do so. I feel that my energy is fragmented.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have studied extensively in the field of functional nutrition (functional medicine based approach), homeopathy and coaching. I have created my wellness center, which has been the biggest energetic investment. I try to attend seminars, when and if I can.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Carl Jung, Elisabet Sahtouris, Jeffery Bland, Lammert Holdijk, Jean Houston, teachings in Plant spirit medicine, homeopathy, I love learning about ancient wisdom and how it can still inform modern living. Ancient Egyptian mythology.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Imagine a world where health & wellness means to be aligned with your sense of purpose; a world in which all systems (family, community, educators, policy makers, governments) conspire to support you in your journey of living life to your full potential, integrating physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.
A world that does not differentiate or compartmentalize the being, a world where we as a microcosm are empowered and given space to mirror the macrocosm and let nature take its course in guiding us into a self-healing and growth process.

Date CreatedApril 8, 2024