Your Name | Sissi Vlamynck |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Great Britain & Ireland Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Devon, Spring-Summer 2024 |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | As for work, at this moment I mainly guide and support groups (teams, projects, organisations) in the broad social sector (welfare, care, government, circulair economy).
This guidance has different purposes: strategy projects, setting up a learning network, coordinating projects, coaching project members,...
I also see it as my mission to keep evolving, learning, being curious, being open to new ideas and other ways of thinking.
And very ambitious: contributing to a sustainable world.
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | The roles I am currently taking on are diverse:
- guiding and methodically supporting processes
- coordinating projects
- coaching project staff
- enthusing participants
- bringing in certain knowledge
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | I want to integrate the regenerative more in what I do. And based on this, also put more focus on which assignments I take up or not.
Last year, I also completed a future strategist training. I want to focus more on this and link it to this formation.
Over the past two years, I have supported several projects at neighbourhood level.
I believe in the potential to engage with different actors at the neighbourhood level, and want to apply the expertise I have gained to this in some way.
All still fairly vague, but I am confident that this will become more concrete through the coming months.
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | - learning to deal with not knowing
- daring to experiment and therefore also daring to fail
- allowing myself to slow down
- increase self-confidence
5. And for professional growth? | - learning a lot in terms of content
- dare to experiment and therefore also dare to fail
- give my professional career more direction
- daring to say no to certain assignments and, conversely, to say yes in full -> choose
- expand my network
- my English can also use a refresher 
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | I have been self-employed for three years, so I did give up the security of a permanent job.
These past years, I have taken on many different assignments (always in the broad social sector) and learned a lot.
I have taken various courses: deep democracy, solution-oriented coaching, certified future strategist.
In addition, I have built up a whole new professional network over the past three years.
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | I find this a very difficult question. Of course, I find the ideas of Kate Raworth (donut economy), Leen Gorissen (Natural Intelligence), Rutger Bregman (Moral Ambition),... very inspiring. But they didn't really mark my life.
What runs like a thread through my life are themes such as social justice, the way people organise themselves to take on issues (entrepreneurship in a broad sense), ecology,...
In addition, it was also enlightening for me to realise that I am a creative generalist and therefore should not strive to specialise in anything. My strength lies in the broad range of my knowledge and experience and not in specialising.
The future-oriented and solution-oriented thinking and acting I got to know more closely over the past few years was a revelation because it fits very well with my own way of living.
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | I believe in the equality of all life.
Humanity is not superior but a part of the earth's ecosystem.
Therefore, I also try to live as ecologically as possible. This is an ongoing challenge and a lesson in humility.
Date Created | May 19, 2024 |