Your NameJanna Mara
Cohort AssignmentAotearoa (New Zealand) Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Auckland, Winter-Spring 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Following close to 20 years in strategic marketing/communications and project management in the health sector, I have recently re-trained with a landscape lens. I am now working to support open space regeneration projects with the amazing team at Done. Ltd., as their Assistant Regenerative Project Manager.

This is a big shift in career space for me and I'm thrilled to be on this meaningful path, working with like-minded people. I've been in this new role for just a few weeks.

My affinity for te taiao and the health benefits I experience while in nature motivated me to retrain and refocus my career to support the health of people and the earth. You can't have one without the other!

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I see my new role as one of learning, supporting and developing myself, so that I can enable our team and the teams we support to connection people and place, for the health benefits of both.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I'd like to grow my knowledge in this entirely new field and understand the thinking and ways of working and connecting that underpin real and meaningful change.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Slowing down my thinking and acting in all areas of life to be able to go deeper and facilitate more meaningful action.

5. And for professional growth?

I am a perpetual learner and I love expanding my thinking and knowledge. This course is a great next step on my journey toward both personal and professional growth. Being freshly out of full-time study, and new to this field, I don't have specific next steps at this stage.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I've enjoyed investing a huge amount of energy, thought, and time in making this exciting shift into a new field happen.
While working part-time in a health marketing role and raising my young family, I spent a lot of time thinking about what was important to me as a human, particularly at this mid-career stage, what benefits the world beyond me, and what will provide growth for both.
Last year I invested a year in full-time study and gained a diploma in landscape design, with the initial intention to work to connect people to nature through residential design. As I progressed my study, I realised I wanted to make an impact at a greater level and this has led me to regenerative project management as my primary focus and residential design as a side project for now.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Psychology, physiology and understanding the mind-body connection have been a big focus for personal development for me.
Professionally I've been inspired by such a wide range of thinkers across the various areas I've studied and engaged with. From health specialists and business minds, to ecologists, designers, environmentalists and horticulturalists. I have increasingly been turning my attention to thought leaders in the environmental space.
My grandfather and my mother have both had a profound impact on my thinking. Open, holistic thinkers that I admire enormously.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

My philosophy of life is that we have the power to choose how we see and perceive the world and this directly impacts how we experience it. I truly feel that if we strive to see things from the perspective of others, we can achieve so much more.

Date CreatedJune 11, 2024