Your NameMariana Costa
Cohort AssignmentHybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Lisbon, Fall-Winter 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Co-founder and co-guardian of a local informal group of people, nested in the village of Arruda dos Vinhos (a rural area about 40 km north of Lisbon, Portugal).

2. What role do you see as yours to play?


3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

Being able to help integrate, in a progressive but cohesive way, regenerative practices that may nurture both individuals and the wider whole that the group in nested in, as well as the relationships between individuals within the community and the connections between the community project and surrounding entities (public and private).

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Learning more about regenerative tools, finding the most suitable ones for individual and group development and bringing them to practice in a way that is truly meaningful to the regeneration of myself, my fellow co-guardians and the community we are currently taking care of.

5. And for professional growth?

I want to be able to shift my current state of "curious chick" to an evolutive practical practitioner in social regeneration (I have no professional experience so far in this field).

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

- a fair amount of inner work (self-awareness or self-discovery, including mindful activities like yoga, chi kung, meditation and other inner transition tools)
- practicing human relations and staying tunned with deep listening tools (the ones I most connect with is with women circles and, more recently, circles within the "way of the council" philosophy; here I would like to add the richness I feel in attending to the latest five annual International Storytelling Seminar that a friend of mine holds in Sintra, Portugal - the world of Storytelling, along with the connection with Jungian practitioners of all kinds of art therapy opened up my awareness for a deeper meaning of what it is to be Human).
- volunteer work in portuguese ONGs and associations (like Quercus, an environmental ONG, and Slow Movement Portugal, a small portuguese association that promotes "slowing down values")
- some random courses and cohorts (the most recente and relevant being Transition Network Facilitator Course, two Clown Training short courses and a regeneration short and intensive course in Lisbon Faculty of Sciences)
- almost 6 years of practicing informal and voluntary work in the local community (mainly the co-work that allowed, together with a core group of local women, to create and maintain the informal group of citizens mentioned above, where we have already achieved some goals in the interconnections with local public authorities, like the municipality)

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

I've graduated in Geological Engeneering, and from this technical field I've retained the importance of diverse phenomena that influenced the shaping of our landscapes and the time scaling factors that frame the existence of life on earth.

Later on, after more than 20 years practising my engineer profession, I've turned to organic agriculture, and one of the most important books I've read was "One Straw Revolution" by Masanobu Fukuoka.

In between, I've been interested in self-developing themes, trying to figure out at the same time my role as a woman in this life, and I have been specially touched by books and authors like:
- "The road less traveled" | M. Scott Peck
- "Mindfulness. A practical guide to find peace in a frantic world" | Mark Williams and Danny Penman
- "Women who run with the wolves" | Clarissa Pinkola Estés
- the work of Michael Brown (all of his three books, starting with "Alchemy of the heart")
- "The Artist's Way: A spiritual path to higher creativity" | Julia Cameron
- "Presence - Human purpose and the field of the future" | Peter Senge, Otto Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski and Betty Sue Flowers
- and, more recently, the work of Carol Sanford (mainly her book "Indirect Work")

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Life on earth is a blessing, interwoven by higher energies that are present in each living and non living beings that exist or that have ever existed, as well as in the colective field created along the time-space frames on the planet and in the Universe that our planet is nested in.
We humans have a higher responsability to use all the abilities that we have (physical, mental, energetical...) to acknowledge and take care of all this complex system, to which we (definitely) belong.
Due to the (multiple) present crises, we also have the responsability to (re)gain consciousness, as individuals and as a colective entity, that taking care means to co-create more life energy than we have ever imagined (within the concept of "promisses beyond capability"), in order to overcome the damages we have been inflicting to ourselves and to the whole Gaia system.

Date CreatedAugust 21, 2024