Your Name | Jolanda Lutteke |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Lisbon, Fall-Winter 2024 |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | Being a great mum to my boys (4 and 8). My oldest is very intelligent, highly sensitive and intense in his emotions. |
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | I get mirrored often I ask a lot of critical questions with help my colleagues/people I interview to dig deeper. I wouldn't call them critical though, I am just curious to understand. Connections, motivations, underlying principles, why we do what we do, if there is something we can do less of, etc. I am trying to create a space at work - in my sphere of influence - where everyone can be themselves. I am not sure about my role yet. Hopefully, I know more by the end of the course. |
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | To go where love and light leads me. That I can surrender when its necessary and have faith and trust. |
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | Dealing with my highly sensitive personality traits. So that I can keep on doing (more) important contributions to the world trough my work, but also so that I can be a happy, healthy person so I can be the mum my kids need and deserve. |
5. And for professional growth? | At this point, I need to deal with the above mentioned points first before I can ask myself this question. I am busy with it of course, but I feel I first need to learn to deal with the high sensitivity to make more steps and not lose myself on the way. |
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | I have invested constantly reflecting, changing course when things didnt fit anymore/ I or a family member was unhappy, staying true to myself and not take the path laid out for me/do what was expected. |
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | Concepts of social entrepreneurship; Noam Chompsky; Yogic philosophy/my two Yoga teachers from India, my political science teacher in Mexico, originally from El Salvador, who was living in exile there for being a communist 'de sangre rojo'; Paulo Coelho, Sufisim, Anthroposophy, mother nature |
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | Everything is connected. We are one. |
Date Created | August 22, 2024 |