Your NameOdin Zackman
Cohort AssignmentHybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in the Bay Area, California, Fall-Winter 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

I see my work as bringing a more connected, grounded presence to the work of transformation in organizations, communities and networks. This involves support for culture change in institutions, leadership development in individuals and groups, and evolutionary understanding and action in communities, coalitions and networks. I have come increasingly to see my work as a bridger and a healer, beyond just a facilitator of strategy and leadership, and I want to work with people and in places where folks are open and ready for transformation.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

As mentioned above, I see myself in a unique role as a connector, bridger and weaver of people, places, ideas, institutions. I bring a leadership style that inspires and elevates others' leadership and invite those I work with into a broader, systems-oriented perspective.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

I am already deepening my engagement with particular organizations and communities after years of community building and organizational culture work. I want to learn more about ways in which to support people interested in transformative systems change and integrating regeneration, equity and collaboration which is part of my hope for joining this cohort. I am eager to continue the work I already do and bringing a richer set of principles and practices to guide this development.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

I would like to explore some longer-term challenges that I am at peace with and want to also continue working with--mostly looking at issues with self-discipline, self-regulation, and letting go of particular patterns that are less than helpful. Overall, I feel like a fairly well-adjusted human and am always seeking ways to build my understanding of myself, my interaction with others and the way I move through the world.

5. And for professional growth?

I'm interested in new ways of depicting the relationships that I see in organizations and communities I work with...I'm not sure what that looks like in terms of professional growth, but I think exploring new models and frameworks and new skills (as in this program) along with learning new skills in graphically depicting systems is important right now.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I've been very intentional about the ways in which I live my life, and part of that included creating my own business about 20 years ago to serve as a home for my interests and provide flexibility in my schedule. It's been quite a full experience and I've enjoyed the experience which has been grounded in my love of nature and gardening, my spiritual practice, my love of connecting with others and my intellectual hunger for learning about the world.

I've taken time to continue with my own personal and professional development as I've grown my business and I've been clear about the set of values that guide my work and my being.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

I'm a big fan of poetry and those who blend beauty and observations of the natural world with observations about humanity and human nature inspire me (Mary Oliver, Ada Limon, Joy Harjo, David Whyte). Nature writing also speaks to my heart and I've been a fan of Terry Tempest Williams, Wendell Berry, Robin Wall Kimmerer and Gretel Erlich.

I also have been rooted in the work of ecological and social movement thinkers--from permaculture concepts and ecological design of folks like Bill McDonough and John Todd to revolutionary writings on culture and place of adrienne maree brown, Malcolm X, Franz Fanon, and Vandana Shiva.

Generally, the confluence of many fields is what I have always been interested in and always appreciate references to commentary, analysis, poetry, essays and fiction/non-fiction that looks at the intersection of people and place. Among other topics, I also appreciate writing and thinking on history, science, politics, art, music, and food

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

I have always loved the Aldo Leopold quote that "There are two things that interest me: people's relationship with one another and people's relationship to the land."

While there are more than two things that interest me, I've always been passionate about the connection of people and place and my work in the world has traveled that path. I am a spiritual, thoughtful person who likes to contemplate and discuss the human role on the earth and I think of humans as part of nature, not apart from. I am infused by the beauty of this world and heartbroken by the breakdowns and crises and hurt--what Buddhists call the 10,000 joys and the 10,000 sorrows. I believe that we are here for a purpose and that we are both individual marvels and indivdually insignificant given the span of geologic time and the size of the universe(s), but tderhat part of our being is in questioning, is in observing, is in making meaning.

Date CreatedAugust 26, 2024