Your Name | Koen Wessels |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Lisbon, Fall-Winter 2024 |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | My primary work, as I currently see it, is to help bring more relational and regenerative perspectives, practices and capabilities into being within educational systems/practitioners (understood broadly). |
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | I see my role on the one hand as one of inquiry/manifestation; someone who inquires deeply and makes emerging insights, feelings, and ideas articulate, relatable, and actionable. And someone who develops new initiatives or activities that others can engage in/with. |
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | I'm in the process of creating a new organization together with Mieke Lopes Cardozo and Bas van den Berg called 'School of Regenerative Educators', and I truly hope that over the coming years this will evolve into a place both for ongoing deep inquiry that is well connected nationally and internationally and develops the capacity to offer developmental programs that truly serve the regeneration of educational practitioners and the systems they participate in. In a more general sense, having left a research position in a university almost a year ago, I find myself searching for 'my place'. I feel strongly that the aforementioned school is a big part of the answer, but complementary to it I currently find myself torn between attempts to find a stable 'next step in my academic/educational career' job within a formal educational institute and a growing inner voice that says 'you don't need that, just walk your own entrepreneurial path and trust that you'll stumble on the projects you need to be part of and will be able to make a living through them'. This is an inner tension I'm familiar with for numerous years now. And I'm well aware that my career until now is more of an integration/reconciliation of these two paths/tendencies than a strict choice for either one of them. What this will look like in the near and further future is a question that's very much alive for me right now. |
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | There is definitely something around building the courage and clarity of mind to dedicate my energy and attention to what my heart tells me. Becoming more intentional and determined in what I do and in what I don't do. I sense this has a lot to do with inwardly becoming more present in my body, in the moment, in my places, and with others. Being truly connected, open. I've recently started a practice of TaiChi, and I spend quite some time each day walking outdoors with my dog. Such things help me, but my tendency to overthink things and worry continue to be a rather dominant presence in my life, which can lead to stress, unproductivity, and fuzziness. |
5. And for professional growth? | Well, be it full-time or part-time and as an individual or with partners (i.e. the school of regenerative educators), developing the courage and capacity to present myself as a freelancer/entrepreneur, articulate what I stand for, and build my own practice is definitely something I feel like I am going through and need to go through. |
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | I have proven to myself numerous times in the past that following my heart and trusting my intuition leads to deep learning and amazing projects/experiences. I've written two books, and have a third one almost ready, I've entrepreneured in the educational field through co-founding quite a cool (I dare say) educational initiative offering educatoinal programs, training and consultancy directly after graduating from uni, I've pursued an academic path through obtaining a phd and doing a post-doc (which I quit after 2 years). And along the way I've met many amazing pracitioners/educators/scholars who I feel nourished by and connected with. I think my ability to courageously follow my own path is deeply ingrained in who I am (which, I know, ironically is also what I talked about in terms of my challenge/growth right now, but it is even harder for me to not follow my own path as it is to do follow it ;)). When I do follow my heart and intuition - so I've experienced numerous times - I find my peers, I find people to collaborate with and learn from, and I experience that as crucial. |
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | There's the academic/scholarly field, in which I've walked a path weaving (emancipatory/critical/relational) pedagogical/educational theory/philosophy together with complexity/living systems/regenerative/relational thinking. Names that come to mind now are Parker J Palmer, Gert Biesta, Paolo Freire, Karen Barad, Tim Ingold, Daniel Wahl, Donna Haraway, and of course there's many more.... Over the last two years or so I've worked intensively with Mieke Lopes Cardozo and through her I've engaged quite a lot already with the lineage of regenerative thinking that Regenesis cherishes and continues to develop. In a more applied sense, I've been blessed to have been exposed to many different approaches to learning and working together (e.g. socratic, design thinking, theory U, arts/theater-based learning,...), and I have a tendency to try things out myself and develop/personalize approaches as I go. I've worked quite a lot, and followed several trainings in, Deep Democracy, and found a teacher there who was quite important for me for a period of time. |
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | I believe that life is relational. That to live is to be shaped by others (human and more than human, animate and inanimate) and to shape them in return. The deeper we understand ourselves the closer we get to others and vice versa. I also believe in love as a primary source of life and meaning, and belief that connecting to this source moves us to care for each other and flourish together rather than at the cost of each other. Fostering philosphies and cultures of love is, I think, a moral obligation in a deeply interconnected world. I experience this as 'the world calling' but also as my inner calling. I myself deeply long for a loving and caring world, and I think deep down we all do. |
Date Created | August 29, 2024 |