Your NameAlice Priori
Cohort AssignmentHybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Lisbon, Fall-Winter 2024
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

I recognize the urgent need to cultivate deeper spaces of connection, community, and interdependence. To address this, I design experiential learning formats/workshops that help us reconnect with our bodies, engage with the more-than-human world, and embrace a living systems worldview, freeing ourselves from centuries of oppressive structures.

There is a pressing need to critically examine our Eurocentric and White supremacist systems, knowledge, and worldviews. Decolonizing our minds and activating networks of solidarity, social justice, and restoration are essential. My work focuses on addressing power dynamics within our teams, projects, and communities, using our privileges to co-create liberated spaces of social justice, connection, and collaboration—spaces where everyone can thrive. Ultimately, I see my primary role as creating the conditions for new imaginations to flourish.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I work as a group and process facilitator, dedicated to fostering a deep cultural shift toward a culture of care, kinship, and commoning, where relationships and relationality are central to how we live and work. My role is to introduce new perspectives and invite diversity into spaces of social innovation and transformation, with a particular focus on reaching marginalized communities and people of color. I also integrate somatic practices and movement, recognizing that reconnecting with our bodies is a vital element in our collective healing.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

My goal is to create inclusive and transformative spaces where relationships and community are prioritized, fostering a culture of care and collective healing. I aim to bring diverse perspectives into social innovation, particularly by engaging marginalized communities, and to support deep cultural shifts that promote social justice, connection, and well-being for all.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Slowing down and discern - find and focus on what really gives me a thriving energy

Host self: create regular space/time to bring embodiment/somatics into my daily life/routine

Start journaling more regularly.

5. And for professional growth?

Deepen my knowledge of regenerative cultures and deep system change frameworks and theories.

Further study about Collective Trauma/Decolonial Frameworks

Develop a format for Collective Grieving and Collective Liberation through dance/movement

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

It has been a lifelong journey:
> I grew up in a family with strong values for social justice, political activism, and a strong sense of the oppressive systems and ower dynamics we are embedded in modern/capitalist society.
>I also had to hold a lot of complexity and some difficult moments in my life due to the low income of my family and I lived in a marginalized/sub-urban neighborhood.
>I decided to live and work for five years in Occupied Palestine, Ramallah and Gaza Strip where I learned a lot about community resilience, hospitality, sharing and gifting one-another, sense of collective purpose, the value of freedom and humility.
>I worked for almost 10 years in the International Cooperation/Development field in the Middle East and felt the urgency to leave the sector because of its deep contradictions
> I am a mother of 2 daughters (9 and 12 years old) who helped me to shift many aspects of my "injured" inner child
> I am an Art of Hosting and Harvesting Meaningful conversation practitioner and seek to bring some radical change within this community
> I have co-founded and currently managing the CitizensLab e.V. an NGO based in Berlin that is constantly evolving as a laboratory for formats/workshops that cultivate the capacities we need for deep cultural transformation
> I finally found the courage to dive deeper into embodiment and completed a 2 years basic education on the healing energies of dance.
> In Berlin, I am part of an autonomous collective that reclaims spaces and supports various social justice causes.
> I am hosting and co-creating a "Regenerative Culture Community of Practice" in Berlin to bring and peer-learn about regenerative practices for social/cultural transformation with activists, community leaders, facilitators, social innovators, and healers.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Fields of Learning:
> Cultural Anthropology
> Palestinian resistance and struggle
> Dance practices
> Self-organised and autonomous spaces
> Indigenous wisdom
> System change, interconnectedness
> Being on the field, traveling, discovering new cultures, learning languages

Joanna Macy / The work that reconnects
Staci Heines / Politics of Trauma and embodied social justice
Bayo Akomolafe
Octavia Butler
bell hooks

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

challenging question...
Humans are one of the many species existing on the planet, and if they want to prove themselves intelligent beings, must become aware of the processes of oppression, manipulation, control, competition, extraction and destruction of resources, other species and of Mother Earth that have been carried on for centuries now! There is an urgency to take response-ability and act now to stop/diverge these processes of prevarication and annihilation.
I do see the incredible potential some humans have in cultivating thriving energies for a dignified life for all humans and more-than-humans, yet, we are not that many...

Date CreatedSeptember 17, 2024