Your NameMarie Zázvorková
Cohort AssignmentAmericas Online, Winter-Spring 2024/2025
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

To focus my energy on what I have come to understand as meaningful in our current world. On the personal level, it is to accompany my still quite young daughters as a parent, at another level it is to contribute to the regeneration on its different levels, including a holistic and collective regeneration of the place/region/bioregion where I live. Also, while still learning, I feel the need to give back and share what I have already learned during my whole life to younger generations or anybody who might benefit from it.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I still look for the role/s that are mine to play, also because one year ago my life completely changed as I moved with my family to another country on another continent, to live near my husband's family. I feel like one of these roles might be raising people's awareness about our interconnected world and supporting them in falling in love with Life in its different expressions, with the place where they live, with more simple but also more abundant life in terms of vibrant relationships, enoughness, joy and artful and playful expressions, care and reciprocity. Another role might be or to some extent already is weaving people together around regeneration and community philanthropy and raising awareness about compassionate life towards non human animals. I also feel like my role might be (with more intensity and depth) a bridge between two interconnected parts of the world -(Eastern) Europe and Latin America- with two-way exchanges and learnings where new ideas might be born. I also think that it is not only the role I can play but also and above all how I do it.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

Deep diving in regenerative development - actively participating in this course and learning and applying the learning, also in my efforts in activating a collective bioregional regeneration process and community philanthropy in our territory as part of national and global initiatives (movement of territorial/community foundations in Colombia, Design School for Regenerating Earth and weaving with Colombian initiative Colombia Regenerativa).

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Learning about my interconnectedness with the web of life, learning how to work with and support others, my inner regenerative work.

5. And for professional growth?

This course: Learning and practicing regenerative development in my life and also be able to effectively communicate and motivate people for regeneration.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

Especially time and energy in the last several years, since I have started my learning path on the topic of regeneration, alongside my long-term work (until over one year ago) in the development cooperation sector, and after starting to live in Colombia, a lot of time and energy to get to know local regenerative initiatives and people behind them willing to work together while continuing to strengthen relationships with people from diverse processes in Colombia and globally (bioregional regeneration, alternative economies, post-development, organic and veganic agriculture) etc.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Before starting to learn about (bioregional) regeneration and chronologically, with the risk of leaving some fields and thinkers out:
Spirituality: Leonardo Boff, Tomáš Halík, Thomas Merton, Eckhart Tolle
Post and degrowth: Kate Raworth, Jason Hickel (also the roots of global inequalities), Tim Jackson, Giorgos Kallis, Tim Parrique, Julia Steinberger, Naďa Johanisová and Tomáš Hajzler
Whole food plant based life: Dr. T. Collin Campbell, movements around veganic farming and gardening
Post-development: Arturo Escobar, Miriam Lang, Inter-disciplinary thought group on alternative economies and economies for life (Colombia, Latin-America)
Interconnected web of life and our role in it in our times: Joana Macy, Robin Wall Kimmerer and new story: Charles Eisenstein
Bioregional regeneration: Joe Brewer, Daniel Ch. Wahl
Collapse awareness : Joe Brewer, Jem Bendell

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

Humans as part of the interconnected web of Life - a potent creative force. Most humans asleep now but with a potential to be key in regenerating the life on Earth when reactivating our dimension or attitude of sacredness towards life in all its expressions, beginning to live slowlier and more aware.
I hold dear the values of compassion, generosity, respect, reciprocity, collaboration and see Love as a potent power and the path to walk and be.

Date CreatedNovember 15, 2024