Your NameMonika Jakubek
Cohort AssignmentHybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Lisbon, Winter-Spring 2025
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

I want to support people's development, but not from the "I want to know more" or I need to be better" perspective. I would love to see people developing themselves in a was that serve smaller and larger communities. I want to support develompment where people work as individuals, but with others on their minds and thanks to that contribute to broader development.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

I'd love to be an "evangelist" of new approach to development, I'd like to learn people and show them by "walking the talk" how the switch in mindset can benefit not only individuals but broader communities and environments. I strongly believe in mental health support, raising self-consciousness, learning on own mistakes (bo also on others mistakes).

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

As I am starting new job mid-February I think that trying to implement Regenerative Frameworks in a new place might be a good start. I want to implant this idea into my daily work and share it with my new co-workers.
In the next step - maybe this will be someting what we would be able to offer to our clients?

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

Developing self-consciousness
Working with old patterns and destructive behaviors to change them into more constructive ones.

5. And for professional growth?

Difficult to say for now, I am just steeping out of HR job and probably there a lot of fields where I could grow professionally. For sure I want to do something I belive in and someting what will be meaningful for others.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

- psychodynamic psychotherapy for 3 years
- course on group relations and group dynamics
- books on my individual development
- smart talks with smart people
- defining what I want and what I don't want in my life

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

cognitive psychology
psychology of individual differences
culture and language and how tehy impact our reality
mindfulness, yoga philosophy

Patanjali (yoga and Eastern mindset)
Greg McKeown (essentialism, doing less but better)
Adam Grant (putting people in the center of what is being done, business)

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

The quotation which is the most important for me now in my life is:

Life is not about ‘or’ – it is about ‘and’. It is magical and messy. It is heartwarming and heartbreaking. It is a delight and disappointment. Grace and grief. Exquisite and excruciating, often at the exact same time.
– Kristi Nelson

World is not black and white, there are millions of different colours and shades. I am accepting life as it comes, being aware of this. Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse, but at the end, a lot depends on how we react and how we approach (through our mind and heart) what is being brought to us.

Date CreatedJanuary 29, 2025