Your NameLucimara Anselmo Letelier
Cohort AssignmentHybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Lisbon, Winter-Spring 2025
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Support Museums professionals do become regenerative leaders.

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

My role is to assist museums and the arts and culture sector in taking a more significant role in mitigating and adapting to climate and social collapse. I aim to introduce regenerative development principles, frameworks, and literature to help expand the work of museums in regeneration.

My role is to create transformative disruption where needed and ensure a deeper awareness of my racial identity (Afro-indigenous Brazilian) as part of the legitimacy to pursue my regenerative mission integrated with my ancestors' knowledge.

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

My goal is to foster a better society by enabling museums to play a more active role in supporting community cohesion in response to social and environmental crises.

I plan to develop a series of courses in Brazil for museum professionals, aimed at building their capacity. Additionally, I want to establish an international knowledge-sharing system focused on regenerative development, integrating these practices into museum operations.

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

To build greater confidence in my purpose and my ability to fulfill it, I aim to let go of old beliefs that prevent me from reaching my full potential as a regenerative leader in the museum sector.

**Inner Development Goals:**
I want to live more regeneratively by increasingly applying regenerative principles in my personal life.

5. And for professional growth?

I aim to enhance my skills as a social entrepreneur and create a more consistent and established organization. My goal is to offer in-depth programs that scale and have a significant impact on regenerative practices in museums. Additionally, I want to expand my team and build capacity within a workforce that can deliver programs I believe will help leverage regenerative development within museum communities both nationally and internationally.

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have made many investments over the years. I left a small town in the countryside of Brazil at the age of 17 to pursue my undergraduate degree. After that, I took out a bank loan to fund my first master's degree in the United States. Since then, I have made numerous other investments in my education and career.

My most recent investment involved relocating to the UK with my family to conduct in-depth research on regenerative practices applied to museums. Although I received a scholarship from the UK government, I still invested a significant amount of time, resources, and finances into the high cost of living in the UK and Europe. I dedicated a lot of effort to build a network capable of promoting regenerative development in the museum and cultural sector.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Regenerative development, sustainable development, sustainability, ARt, regeneration, Human Rights, Advocacy, decolonial thinking, permaculture, Ecolvillage learning, Agroflorest, radical love, spiritualism, Indigenous knowledge, Deep Ecology and Yoruba or African culture.

Thinkers: Daniel Wahl, Robert Janes, Joanna Macy, James Lovelock, Frijot Kapra, Satish Kumar, Bill Reed, Djamila Ribeiro, Sueli Carneiro, Ailton Krenak, Ashaninkas, Grada Kilomba, Angela Davis , Marina Silva

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

My cosmology of life is designed to strengthen the connections between humans and nature. It focuses on bringing justice and reparations to the lives of excluded individuals of African and Indigenous descent. This cosmology is viewed through an ecological lens that encompasses emotional and spiritual development, which serves as a foundation for constructing my personal and professional life.

Date CreatedJanuary 29, 2025