Your Name | Michael Schreiber |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Santa Fe, Winter-Spring 2025 |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | To start with, I have work to do in my personal life. I'm remarkably untethered: I'm loosely based in NYC and craving a deeper relationship to place and community; I'm single with no children; and I just left a work situation that I found de-energizing--the work I do have and what I'm building is remote and new. While I've enjoyed and benefited from a nomadic existence, I can feel that more stable structures would support me creatively and energetically so that I can be of greater service.
In my professional life, I see my work as continuing to resource others (admittedly, new phrasing for me). As a "business coach" over the last 10 years, I functioned more like an acting teacher (a familiar role I still play at times), revealing in others the art that lives in them. I'm relatively new to living systems thinking but starting to see the frameworks I'm learning everywhere. Important to my work is that I internalize, practice, and embrace the ways that emerge for me to deepen my awareness and share it with others.
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | I see my professional role as continuing to work with humans in developing their talent and building capacity. Different is that it's not my work to do it under the umbrella of mechanistic businesses. I sought this work because I'm working with my own consciousness to experience my own aliveness...I am naturally bringing it to others as I start to internalize.
I have a role in working with land too. It is not formalized yet, though I have been part of conservation efforts and contribute to stewarding land through nonprofit work that I do. I have energy for more of that...more the more I learn.
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | My goals and aims are big and basic.
I'd like to find myself in a place that feels like a long term home for me. It may be in western MA in the bioregion of the land I mention above, but I'm open to being surprised. I appreciate that I am in a position to choose it, so I'm letting myself not rush.
Building a business this year that replaces need for other income is also an important goal.
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | In addition to the personal growth implied by everything mentioned in the last questions, another next arena for personal growth is self-expression.
Even as I help others with self-expression, and comfortable as I may be speaking in front of groups of any size, sharing online and thinking in public, being more participatory in discourse is an area of growth that will have personal benefit too. I haven't built a platform or an audience of any kind, and I am seeing personal growth in the professional endeavor.
5. And for professional growth? | Building a business and everything that entails. Since being introduced to Carol's work just over a year ago, I've made the biggest strides in my own entrepreneurial activity because I've felt more sane; I never felt good engaging with business practices the way others around me were "succeeding." Creating a value-aligned income that nourishes me and others feels like both a spiritual path and a professional journey.
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | I've invested in a personal development in many different ways: acting classes, coaches, meditation courses, seminars, etc. I've invested years following my curiosity and values aligned with my best thinking at the moment. I've invested energy into staying aligned with my evolving values, even when it has been difficult or counterintuitive to the perspectives of others, into supporting people and places I believe in...
I acknowledge that like any investor, I've also invested money, time and energy into places that did not give me a positive ROI. Those "mistakes/teachers" have certainly been part of finding myself in this unique moment.
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | Theatre was the first important field of learning. I was never interested in show business, but I fell in love with the craft of acting, discovering agency and basic confidence in my self-expressive potential and helping others to do the same.
Theatre led me into explorations of spiritual and energetic studies: Science of Mind, Pranic Healing, Self-Realization, yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. It also introduced me to a playwright, Jean-Claude van Itallie, who founded the Shantigar Foundation for Creativity, Meditation, and Engagement with Nature--an organization which has profoundly influenced me and for which I still serve on the Advisory Board. Shantigar (peaceful home) was named by Tibetan Buddhist Chögyam Trungpa, who has also been important.
In more recent years I saw that I had a lot to learn from studying business, including marketing and sales. I found some heart in that field of learning, but I was often disappointed. I gravitated a lot towards strategy in my coaching work, but very differently than most other coaches or teachers.
Just over a year ago, I was introduced to Carol Sanford's work. She spoke directly to that disappointment, and has opened me up to entirely new areas of interest and possibilities for what may emerge next. I've had the opportunity to make friends with a community of Regenerates who eventually guided me to TRP...
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | Well, we'll see...
I've recognized that the profound experiences I've had through meditative practice and creative process are inherently the same. The sameness is an energetic experience, the unimpeded, un-judged, movement of energy.
Likewise, when I witness or experience "breakthrough" it feels/looks like a return to form, like a hose being unkinked. The "kinks" in this metaphor are a version of preoccupation with the existence of an "I" (who hopes to reach enlightenment or something); ironically, the flow that comes when the kinks are released makes "me" feel more alive, more one-with/attuned-to something bigger...
The profound, enlivened energetic experience of creativity or meditation-in-action I describe above is our natural state as humans. The aliveness in it comes from allowing energy to move as part of a bigger whole, so it's not a human experience, it's life experiencing itself. By design, the role humans play is just being ourselves.
However, we rarely experience that pure natural state because of the collective hypnosis, the kinks in the hose. We overcomplicate our role.
From the most distant lens, all events are neutral. From my individual perspective, it feels good and somehow supportive of other humans and the cosmos to endeavor to find a way back to natural state.
Date Created | February 2, 2025 |