Your Name | Critter Thompson |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Hybrid In-Person/Online with Intensive in Santa Fe, Winter-Spring 2025 |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | I have been working in and around the fields of ecology, architecture, urban planning and design for the past 20 years with the intention of advancing sustainability and creating a healthier place for people and the communities we all live in. Over the past number of years, I have become disillusioned with how things have turned out - both professionally and more generally as a discipline. Currently, my primary work focus is integrating science with urban planning and design and helping to communicate complex ideas throughout the planning process. I run a small business focused on urban and ecological design, geospatial analysis and visualization, and supporting multidisciplinary design and planning teams. |
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | Great question. I think my role is multi-faceted. I think part of my role is to help mentor and teach a new generation of doers. There is a lot of good energy in younger designers and planners. But I also hope to work for a long time still and want to make a difference. While I noted above that I have become somewhat disillusioned, I still have hope and I want to renew my energy for creating innovation and driving change. |
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | 1. Refocus my efforts to be more grounded and focused on what the most viable path forward might be; |
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | Twenty years ago, I took on a role as a Systems Ecologist at an architecture/planning firm with the goal of helping reshape the practice to be more sustainable, climate-focused, and ecologically sound. It was intended to be science first and grounded on ideas that make development much more forward-thinking. I had a lot of energy and ambition to drive change. To make things better. It’s now 2025 and climate policy and sustainable development practices are hardly better than they were then. So I think my first real arena for personal growth is to build back my energy for deep change. It’s already getting better by aligning myself with core partners, but I still need to keep working on it. My second arena for personal growth is probably health/life-related. Being able to have the energy and passion I need to support my first arena depends on having a strong foundation of family, health, and active life. I’m old enough now to have been through enough with health, family, and loss to know intimately how important these things are to living a balanced life. If that can ever really be achieved. So arena two is keeping these things front and center. |
5. And for professional growth? | I am rebuilding my small consulting practice and that takes time, energy, and passion. I am focusing a lot of my energy on this. My goal, at least for now, is to try and bring much of my earlier work back to the core. Over the past few years, due to a number of things, I have moved too far away from the center of where I want to be. My hope is to change that. |
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | Many years. And many attempts at different approaches. A small summary: As a systems ecologist at Mithun and a leader in sustainable design, Critter was involved in nationally recognized projects aimed at solving issues of energy and climate, water use and waste reduction, local food production, social equity, and ecosystem services. While a research consultant at the University of Washington, Critter co-founded and was the research director of an effort to develop visualization and analysis tools that promote more sustainable development of our cities and regions. Once in Colorado, Critter was part of the team at PlaceMatters, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping communities find creative local solutions for thriving, equitable, and resilient places. He was also Director for Community Planning Strategies, a small Colorado-based planning firm focused on supporting rural communities throughout the Rocky Mountains. As founder of Catamount Studio, Critter is advancing this work to create healthy, resilient, people-focused, ecologically diverse, and resource-efficient communities. |
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | Too many to list. I will highlight a few things that come to mind off the top of my head. I imagine more will come up during our sessions: |
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | Humans are part of the natural systems that form the world we inhabit. We are also architects of this world in ways that are both profound and sobering. It is a role we must not take lightly; however, it appears that as a species, we have yet to fully appreciate it. We continually disrespect the patterns, movements, resources, and evolutionary processes that shape the world that we live in. We are not very good at learning from and adapting to these things. We take rather than work with. We spoil rather than give back or replenish. |
Date Created | February 4, 2025 |