Your Name | Tory Read |
Email Address | |
Cohort Assignment | Cohort C (Americas, In-Person Intensive) |
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life? | 1. Professionally, the niche I've defined is executive-level coaching for high net wealth individuals who want to go all in for a regenerative future, including my commitment to do this in ways that regenerate Me. |
2. What role do you see as yours to play? | 1. Coach, consultant, educator, connector, facilitator, strategist |
3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above? | 1. I understand Earth System Science and how nature works/regenerates, and I've applied this knowledge through an in-depth permaculture design certification course. Now I'm seeking to understand how one applies regenerative principles to development projects. These skills and knowledge will help me play a meaningful role in my new home community of Bellingham, WA (I'm considering applying for the Whatcom County Food System Committee). This know-how will also help me capacitate Millennial and Gen Z wealth holders to stop "holding" and start FLOWing their wealth (in all its forms) through people, projects and systems that meet our essential needs in ways that regenerate nature (which includes us humans). |
4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are? | Both personally and professionally, people have been telling me to shut up and make myself as small as possible for my entire life. (A core source of friction has been my indigenous gravitation toward topics, fields and activities that are traditionally considered the purview of men. "Shut up and take the notes" has been a common refrain.) However, I'm a gifted writer and a captivating speaker. I know that these two things are true and core to who I am, and I feel like I will burst if I don't let it out. And yet, I'm terrified to follow through on #2 above. I've transcended seemingly impossible barriers in my life, so I know that I can do it. Answering these questions is provoking me to consciously use this course to support me as I step into FLOW on #2. |
5. And for professional growth? | I got severely buffeted around in the post-George-Floyd NGO white leader purge (I was brought in as an innovator and change leader at age 55 and was expendable), and I did my fellowship year at Just Economy Institute directly after that, which unfortunately was a very heavy dose of more of the same. As a result, I notice that I've lost perspective on all that I have to offer, which objectively is A LOT but I'm not feeling it. I want to get my mojo back! This is important for my presence and contribution in my community and the world, and also for the success of my new coaching and consulting practice. It's very hard to break into high-net-worth world, and I've got to be on top of my game to do it well, with maximum joy and embodied confidence that I always deliver outcomes worth talking about. |
6. What have you invested in to get you where you are? | I was born into a broken family, and they've all done themselves in. I made different choices, and although it's been a lot of work including several dead ends, it's been successful and totally worth it. I've learned a lot in the process and enjoy sharing it with others. In addition, four years ago I spent a year training as an executive coach. Following that, the Just Economy Institute fellowship gave me the tools I needed to understand and transcend my own money story and beliefs and introduced me to all the ways we can structure capital (beyond plain vanilla debt, equity, grants) in service to transformational change. I then pursued a bunch of other impact finance-related courses as well as courses in Regenerative Economics, permaculture design, nonviolent communication and somatics for trauma recovery. I've dealt with my s*** and done the work, completely retrained myself, spent all of my liquid savings and taken out a loan, and launched a new business in a competitive field, and I'm really hoping this all works out |
7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life? | I was a very lucky kid in that there was a forest outside my house. Wild nature is both my safe place and my teacher, from earliest days. |
8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it? | We are just one of more than 8 million species on Earth, and we'll last a lot longer and get along a lot more smoothly with all those other species if we start using our so-called intelligence to understand and get with the rest of nature's program! |
Date Created | January 18, 2023 |