Your NameRochelle Ade
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Cohort AssignmentAotearoa / New Zealand with In-Person Intensive in Auckland 2023
1. What do you see as your primary work at this stage of your life?

Raising my two children

2. What role do you see as yours to play?

To be a positive influence in their lives

3. What goals or aims do you have in regard to the above?

To be important in their lives and help them grow into being good humans

4. Where do you feel your next arenas for personal growth are?

To move past the traumas of my recent past and learn to forgive and no longer react from the emotions of anger or hate and instead try and

5. And for professional growth?

To find something that stimulates my desire for doing something meaningful that has positive impacts and intellectually stimulating

6. What have you invested in to get you where you are?

I have spent 25 years in the construction and building industry with the previous 15 years dedicated to green building.

7. What fields of learning and which thinkers have been important in your life?

Jerry Yudelson, Jordan Peterson, Bjorn Lomborg, Jonathan Haidt, Jared Diamond.

8. Can you frame your philosophy or cosmology of life? What role(s) do humans play in it?

I believe that we are a part of a system, not above or below it or even a part of it but subject to it. That we have a role to play but that we should not look to dominate it instead try and live in harmony with it.

Date CreatedApril 23, 2023