Resourcing with Pamela Mang


One-hour resourcing session with Pamela Mang.



Pamela is a founding member of Regenesis, where she has worked with project development teams and community groups to build critical systems thinking skills and holistic planning processes and designs that can address complex systems problems and opportunities. She has taught The Regenerative Practitioner series since its inception in 2013, and is the co-author of the book Regenerative Development and Design: A Framework for Evolving Sustainability, published in 2016.

Pamela’s work draws on four decades’ worth of experience in managerial and consulting capacities in both the public and private sector, serving a wide variety of nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies and businesses. Her experience includes community development, leadership and team development, design and implementation of effective meeting processes, strategic and operational planning, marketing and public relations, and community and cross-cultural relations in government, non-profit and corporate settings.

Time zone considerations: Pamela is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA (US Mountain time).